380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Maertens, Sven
Données et algorithmes pour une ville intelligente et durable
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (80/80 displayed)
- 2023Neue Klimaschutzregeln für den europaeischen Luftverkehr – Chancen und Risiken
- 2023How to Manage Delays and Disruptions at Intermodal Transportation Hubs in a Better Way?citations
- 2023Climate protection in aviation and maritime transport: Roadmaps for achieving the climate goal
- 2022Key effects of terminating short-haul routes – the Linz-Vienna example
- 2022CORSIA—A Feasible Second Best Solution?citations
- 2022Managing delays and incidents at intermodal airport hubs in a more efficient way
- 2022Decision parameters of an MRV scheme for integrating non-CO2 aviation effects into EU ETS
- 2022Inclusion of non-CO2 effects of aviation in the EU ETS: Testing of a Monitoring Reporting & Verification (MRV) Scheme for non-CO2 aviation effects
- 2022Verspätungen und Störungen an intermodalen Verkehrsknoten besser managen ; Coordinated delay management at intermodal transport hubs
- 2022Wie werden sich mittel- und langfristig die Ticketpreise entwickeln und welchen Einfluss hat dabei eine mögliche Erhöhung der Energiepreise im Luftverkehr?
- 2022Testing of a Monitoring Reporting & Verification (MRV) Scheme for non-CO2 aviation effects
- 2022Testing of a Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) Scheme for the integration of non-CO2 aviation effects into EU ETS
- 2021Neue, aus ökonomischer Sicht vorteilhafte Geschäftsmodelle und politische Maßnahmen mit Relevanz für den Verkehrsbereich (MSB 21.4) sowie aus ökonomischer Sicht empfehlenswerte politische Maßnahmen (MSB 22.3)
- 2021Wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen der COVID-19 Pandemie im Luftverkehrcitations
- 2021Only Strict Coronavirus Regulations for Vacationers Affect Passenger Air Traffic between Germany and Mallorca
- 2021ÖKONVER-Abschlussbericht
- 2021Only strict coronavirus regulations for vacationers affect passenger air traffic between Germany and Mallorca
- 2021Barriers to the uptake of post fossil fuels - Aviation
- 2021Emissionshandel und Offsetting im EU Luftverkehr
- 2021Welche klimapolitischen Maßnahmen im Verkehrsbereich sind aus ökonomischer Sicht empfehlenswert?
- 2021The role of very large passenger aircraft in global air transport – a review and outlook to the year 2050citations
- 2021Estimating the market potential for long-haul narrowbody aircraft using origin-destination demand and flight schedules datacitations
- 2021Was sind die ökonomischen Auswirkungen des Ersatzes von Kurzstreckenflügen?
- 2020Low cost carriers in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: Emergence and barriers to developmentcitations
- 2020How to improve the global ‘Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation’ (CORSIA)?citations
- 2020Synthetic fuels in aviation - Current barriers and potential political measurescitations
- 2020Leitfaden zur Entscheidungsfindung und Bewertung von Maßnahmen und Technologien im Verkehr
- 2020An analysis of the prospects of ultra-long-haul airline operations using passenger demand datacitations
- 2020The prospects of hybrid-electric regional air transport - an assessment of travel time benefits of domestic short-haul flights in Germany with 19-seater aircraftcitations
- 2020Ansätze zur Abschätzung von Konnektivitätseffekten und katalytischen Effekten im Luftverkehr - ÖKONVER Meilenstein 13 (MS 30.6) zu AP3600
- 2020Transfer rates and flows in international air transport - Global and regional distri-bution and development
- 2020Flightpath 2050 revisited – An analysis of the 4-hour-goal using flight schedules and origin-destination passenger demand datacitations
- 2020The development of transfer passenger volumes and shares at airport and world region levelscitations
- 2019Economic impacts of Business Aviation in Europe
- 2019Economic benefits of the air transport sector: The role of tourism-related effects
- 2019Berücksichtigung katalytischer Effekte in ÖKONVER - ÖKONVER Meilenstein 8 (30.4) zu AP3400
- 2019Environmental Benefits and Efficient Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of different options to (not) continue with the EU-ETS for Aviation in a CORSIA-World
- 2019CORSIA - Environmental effects and competitive implications
- 2019Auf dem Weg zu plattformbasierten Sharing- und Pooling-Konzepten - eine Diskussion der digitalen Innovationen im Transportsektor / Towards Platform-based Sharing and Pooling Concepts - A Discussion of Digital Innovations in the Transport Sector
- 2019Are the Maldives, the Seychelles and Mauritius dependent on the Bosporus-Gulf carriers? – Dependency Analysis and Mitigation Measurescitations
- 2019Flightpath 2050 revisited - An analysis of the 4-hour-goal using flight schedules and origin-destination passenger demand datacitations
- 2019Traffic impacts of EU horizontal air service agreementscitations
- 2019Ticketsteuern im Luftverkehr - Nur Einnahmengenerierung?
- 2018The development of transfer passengers at key international airports
- 2018Innovationen im Zuge der Digitalisierung des Personenverkehrs
- 2018Options for traffic growth at smaller European airports under the European Commission's Guidelines on State aidcitations
- 2018Dezentrale Luftfahrt in Deutschland - Anforderungen an die dezentrale Luftfahrt in Deutschland zur Erfüllung der wachsenden Mobilitätsbedürfnisse
- 2018ÖKONVER TP 3000 Meilenstein 30.2: Liste von Technologien/Maßnahmen, die im Makromodell detaillierter abgebildet werden sollen, ist erstellt
- 2018Kosovo – Flying in Europe’s youngest country
- 2018Options for Traffic Growth at Smaller European Airports Under the European Commission’s Guidelines on State Aidcitations
- 2018Traffic impacts of EU horizontal air service agreements
- 2018Are the Maldives, the Seychelles and Mauritius dependent on the Bosporus-Gulf carriers? - Dependency Analysis and Mitigation Measurescitations
- 2018The development of the competitive position of airlines in the North Atlantic market
- 2017Luftverkehrsbericht 2016
- 2017Klimaschutz im Luftverkehr: vom EU-Emissionshandel zu CORSIAcitations
- 2017Small regional air transport in Germany and Europe: Scope for revitalization after years of decline?
- 2016The development of the potential for low-cost, one-stop connecting services in Europe – From self-hubbing to reliable low cost connecting services?
- 2016Brexit – Auswirkungen auf den deutschen und europäischen Luftverkehrcitations
- 2016Luftverkehrsbericht 2015
- 2016Assessing the competitive position of European airlines at the network level
- 2016Höhenflug oder Absturz? Methodik zur Erstellung von deutschlandbezogenen Luftverkehrsszenarien
- 2016Vorschau auf den DLR Connectivity Report
- 2016The scope for low-cost connecting services in Europe — Is self-hubbing only the beginning?citations
- 2016Virtual hubs & self-connection for LCCs? – An overview
- 2016Economic Impact Modelling
- 2015How to assess the percentage of transfer passengers at airports?
- 2015The new Eurowings flights from Germany – Breakthrough for ‘long haul low cost’ or just old wine in new bottles?
- 2015Luftverkehrsbericht 2014 - Daten und Kommentierungen des deutschen und weltweiten Luftverkehrs.
- 2015TEAM_Play for Europe
- 2015Is there a need and scope to revitalize small regional air transport in Europe?
- 2014Current issues and potentials for innovation in small regional air transport
- 2014Grundlagen internationaler Luftverkehrsabkommen und ausgewählte Liberalisierungseffekte
- 2014Luftverkehrsbericht 2013 - Daten und Kommentierungen des deutschen und weltweiten Luftverkehrs
- 2013TEAM_Play D4.6 Compilation of Scientific Final Report
- 2013TEAM_Play – Tool Suite for Environmental and Economic Aviation Modelling for Policy Analysis
- 2013International Air Transport Agreements – History, current issues and a discussion of new horizontal agreements between EU and RoW
- 2013Cost Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme on Aviation in the Time Period 2012 - 2020
- 2012Economic inefficiencies and �over-regulation in air transportation – current issues in Europe
- 2009Airline pricing strategies vs. consumer rights - Is there a need to maintain the "full and sequential use of flight coupons"-rule?
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |