380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Timmermans, H. J. P.
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (95/95 displayed)
- 2020Bundling, pricing schemes and extra features preferences for mobility as a service: sequential portfolio choice experimentcitations
- 2018Social networks, social influence and activity-travel behaviourcitations
- 2018Understanding travellers’ preferences for different types of trip destination based on mobile internet usage datacitations
- 2018Understanding travellers’ preferences for different types of trip destination based on mobile internet usage datacitations
- 2018Factors influencing place attachment in urban China: a path analysis
- 2018A comparative study of contact frequencies and modes among social network members in four countries.
- 2017Context-driven regret based model of travel behavior under uncertaintycitations
- 2017Using metro smart card data to model location choice of after-work activities: An application to Shanghaicitations
- 2017Context-dependent latent class behavioral mixture model of utility maximization and regret minimization decision-making under uncertainty
- 2017Incorporating rejoice in random regret choice models
- 2017Satisfaction and uncertainty in car-sharing decisionscitations
- 2017Specification of regret-based models of choice behaviourcitations
- 2017Innovations in urban mobility and travel demand analysis
- 2017The effects of activity-travel context and individual attitudes on car-sharing decisions under travel time uncertainty
- 2017Using metro smart card data to model location choice of after-work activitiescitations
- 2017Models of behavioral change and adaptationcitations
- 2017Cognitive learning approach for travel demand modeling:estimation resultscitations
- 2017Impact of innovative business models on electric vehicle adoption
- 2017Using metro smart card data to model location choice of after-work activities:an application to Shanghaicitations
- 2016Accounting for perception in random regret choice models: Weberian and generalized Weberian specifications
- 2016Investigating heterogeneity in social influence by social distance in car-sharing decisions under uncertainty : a regret-minimizing hybrid choice model framework based on sequential stated adaptation experiments
- 2015Dynamic social networks and travel
- 2015Ageing populations and travel
- 2015Satisfaction and uncertainty in car-sharing decisions:an integration of hybrid choice and random regret-based models
- 2015Regret-based modeling of heterogeneous route choice behavior under uncertainty
- 2015Towards a dynamic disappointment and regret-based model of route choice behaviour
- 2015Satisfaction and uncertainty in car-sharing decisions
- 2015Context-dependent regret minimizing model of housing choice
- 2015Models of bounded rationality under certaintycitations
- 2015Regret-based modeling of heterogeneous route choice behavior under uncertainty:Results from a context-dependent stated choice experiment
- 2015Population fraction, number of simulation runs and model uncertainty
- 2015Money allocation to out-of-home leisure activities and the organization of these activities in time and spacecitations
- 2014Simultaneous modeling of individuals’ duration and expenditure decisions in out-of-home leisure activitiescitations
- 2014Modeling context-sensitive, dynamic activity travel behavior by linking short-and long-term responses to accumulated stresscitations
- 2014Effects of travel time delay on multi-faceted activity scheduling under space-time constraints : a simulation studycitations
- 2013Distance patterns of personal networks in four countries : a comparative studycitations
- 2013Assessment of model uncertainty in destinations and travel forecasts of models of complex spatial shopping behaviourcitations
- 2013Vehicle holding path transitions:A latent class model using retrospective survey data
- 2013Traveler response to coexisting multiple pricing schemes results of elaborated mixture-amount experimentcitations
- 2013Time and monetary budget scenarios and changes in expenditures to leisure-out-of-home activities : a stated adaptation experiment
- 2013Simulating endogenous dynamics of activity-travel behavior
- 2013Vehicle holding path transitions
- 2013Incorporating mechanisms of social adoption in the design and analysis of stated choice experiments : illustration and application to the choice of electric carscitations
- 2013Capturing preference heterogeneity of truck drivers’ route choice behavior with context effects using a latent class model
- 2013Capturing preference heterogeneity of truck drivers’ route choice behavior with context effects using a latent class model
- 2012Spatial environmental analysis on the effects of a new navigation system for freight transportcitations
- 2012The spatiality of personal networks in four countries : a comparative study
- 2012Involvement in clubs or voluntary associations, social networks and activity generation : a path analysiscitations
- 2012A latent class accelerated hazard model of social activity durationcitations
- 2012Context-dependent influence of road attributes and pricing policies on route choice behavior of truck drivers : results of a conjoint choice experimentcitations
- 2012A multilevel path analysis of contact frequency between social network memberscitations
- 2011Instantaneous emission modeling with GPS-based vehicle activity data: results of diesel trucks for one-day trips
- 2011Assessing the relative importance of input variables for route choice modeling: a neural network approach
- 2011Estimating social travel demand of senior citizens in the Netherlandscitations
- 2011Personal intelligent travel assistants
- 2011The effect of monetary expenditures, socio-demographic factors and time-location variables on duration of leisure activities
- 2011Mixture amount models for handling constraints in conjoint applications
- 2010Determinants of stated and revealed mental map quality: An empirical studycitations
- 2010Location-type choice for face-to-face social activities and its effect on travel behaviorcitations
- 2010Semi-automatic imputation of long-term activity-travel diaries using GPS traces: personal versus aggregate histories
- 2009ICT and social interaction : modeling communication mode choice and its effect on travel behavior
- 2009Modeling pedestrian movement in shopping street segments
- 2009An agent-based framework for modelling social influence on travel behaviour
- 2009Choice set generation in spatial contexts: A reviewcitations
- 2009Measuring user benefits of changes in the transport system when traveler awareness is limitedcitations
- 2009A Multi-Agent Modelling Approach to Simulate Dynamic Activity-Travel Patterns
- 2009Traveler compliance with advice: A Bayesian utilitarian perspectivecitations
- 2009Spatial choice: A matter of utility or regret?citations
- 2008Route choice under uncertaintycitations
- 2008Data collection approaches for public transport marketing: some examples
- 2008Design of stated adaptation experiments: discussion of some issues and experiences
- 2008Revealing consumer preferences by observing information searchcitations
- 2008A Random Regret-Minimization model of travel choicecitations
- 2008The effect of the introduction of paid parking on consumers' expenditures for weekly and non-weekly purchases
- 2007Parametric action decision trees: Incorporating continuous attribute variables into rule-based models of discrete choicecitations
- 2007Potential effects of public transport planning measures
- 2007Examining temporal effects of lifecycle events on transport mode choice decisionscitations
- 2007Travelers' need for information in traffic and transit: Results from a web surveycitations
- 2007Validation of a multimodal travel simulator with travel information provisioncitations
- 2007Information impact on quality of travel choices: analysis of data from a multimodal travel simulator
- 2006The value of travel information: Decision strategy-specific conceptualizations and numerical examplescitations
- 2006Personal intelligent travel assistants: gebruik en mogelijke effecten
- 2006Responses to transit information among car-drivers: Regret-based models and simulationscitations
- 2006Modeling the influence of structural lifecycle events on activity-travel decisions using a structure learning algorithm
- 2005Examining temporal effects of lifecycle events on transport mode choice decisions
- 2005Value of travel information: Theoretical framework and numerical examples
- 2005Representing mental maps and cognitive learning in micro-simulation models of activity-travel choice dynamicscitations
- 2004The choice of park and ride facilities : an analysis using a context-dependent hierarchical choice experimentcitations
- 2004The choice of park & ride facilities : an analysis using a context-dependent hierarchical choice experiment
- 2003Spatial context and the complexity of daily travel patterns : an international comparisoncitations
- 2003Inducing heuristic principles of tourist choice of travel mode: a rule-based approachcitations
- 2003Predicting P&R use: an application of HII for mode choice modelling
- 2002Urban form, road network type, and mode choice for frequently conducted activities : a multilevel analysis using quasi-experimental design datacitations
- 2002Representing locational requirements using conventional decision tables: Theory and illustrationcitations
- 2000Using GIS to explore the effects of road network specifications on the external validity of accessibility measures
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |