479.575 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Ziakopoulos, Apostolos | Athens |
Vigliani, Alessandro | Turin |
Catani, Jacopo | Rome |
Statheros, Thomas | Stevenage |
Utriainen, Roni | Tampere |
Guglieri, Giorgio | Turin |
Martínez Sánchez, Joaquín |
| |
Tobolar, Jakub |
| |
Volodarets, M. |
| |
Piwowar, Piotr |
| |
Tennoy, Aud | Oslo |
Matos, Ana Rita |
| |
Cicevic, Svetlana |
| |
Sommer, Carsten | Kassel |
Liu, Meiqi |
| |
Pirdavani, Ali | Hasselt |
Niklaß, Malte |
| |
Lima, Pedro | Braga |
Turunen, Anu W. |
| |
Antunes, Carlos Henggeler |
| |
Krasnov, Oleg A. |
| |
Lopes, Joao P. |
| |
Turan, Osman |
| |
Lučanin, Vojkan | Belgrade |
Tanaskovic, Jovan |
Lechner, Daniel
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
- data
- engine
- driving
- computer science
- road
- civil engineering
- infrastructure
- crash
- physics
- vehicle fleet
- acceleration
- diagnosis
- highway safety
- database
- experiment
- motor
- vehicle dynamic
- layout
- data recorder
- event data recorder
- assessment
- automobile
- estimating
- behavior
- vibration
- surveillance
- filter
- altitude
- sensor
- engineering
- vehicle body
- adaptive control
- data collection
- driver
- road network
- rural area
- intelligent transportation system
- managerial personnel
- research project
- validation
- smartphone
- employee
- picture
- video
- instrumentation
- roughness
- regulation
- indicating instrument
- trajectory
- travel
- bus
- autumn
- government
- itinerary
- accelerometer
- recording instrument
- safety
- data analysis
- driver performance
- implementation
- monitoring
- map
- architecture
- pavement
- probe vehicle
- modernization
- system architecture
- system of measurement
- near crash
- control device
- simulation
- design method
- laboratory
- stability analysis
- wheel
- law
- steering
- prototype
- deviation
- extrapolation
- yaw
- proportional integral derivative controller
- performance test
- corporation
- hazard
- dynamic load
- highway
- production
- compression
- estimate
- bicycle
- constraint
- bottleneck
- pH value
- sliding mode control
- linear optimisation
- tire
- control system
- prevention
- rollover crash
- examination
- crash data
- load transfer
- tire force
- intelligent vehicle
- interface
- encyclopedia
- profit
- placebo
- diver
- modeling
- variable
- filtration
- electronic equipment
- electronics
- Kalman filtering
- validity
- friction
- coefficient of friction
- pallet
- skid
- forecasting
- train consist
- passenger
- vehicle occupant
- driving behavior
- optimisation
- design
- scheduling
- interpolation
- invariant
- non-linear optimization
- stiffness
- lateral acceleration
- driver error
- weight
- vehicle safety
- program evaluation and review technique
- fee
- trailer
- reconstruction
- braking
- software
- passenger car
- dynamic model
- thesis
- professional driver
- crash analysis
- show 118 more
Publications (40/40 displayed)
- 2017Acquisition and analysis of road incidents based on vehicle dynamicscitations
- 2017Road profile estimation using an adaptive Youla- Kučera parametric observer: comparison to real profilerscitations
- 2017Road safety - A new approach to assist road infrastructure managers
- 2017Sécurité routière - Un nouvel outil au service des gestionnaires routiers
- 2016Livrable S_VRAI 1+ : Validation des boîtiers EMMA3 en situations réelles et nouvelles fonctionnalités. Version finale
- 2016Road profile estimation using an adaptive Youla- Kucera parametric observer: comparison to real profilers
- 2015Analysis of road incidents collected by EDR
- 2015Characterization of driving dynamics on road incidents collected by EDR
- 2015Towards a single system architecture for road defects monitoring and near-miss accidents data collection - MIRANDA / SVRAI
- 2015Livrable Phare de l'IFSTTAR. Développement et déploiement de méthodes de recueil et d'analyse de l'incidentologie. Projet SVRAI
- 2014Switched LQR/H steering vehicle control to detect critical driving situations
- 2014Causes of road driving hazardous situations
- 2014Using event data recorder to detect road infrastructure failures from a safety point of view
- 2014Projet SVRAI : Sauver des Vies par le Retour d’Analyse sur Incidents Convention de Subvention DSCR n°: 7624. Livrable 6S5 : Caractérisation des paramètres dynamiques de la conduite sur la base des synthèses de parcours
- 2014Steering vehicle control and road bank angle estimation: Application for diagnosis of vehicle limits in bend
- 2013Projet SVRAI : Sauver des Vies par le Retour d’Analyse sur Incidents Convention de Subvention DSCR n°: 7624. Livrables 7A1 et 7A2 : Présentation de l’architecture initiale d’exploitation des données et de l’architecture future en vue de la phase 2
- 2013Towards a classification of road incidents acquired from public fleets of vehicles
- 2013Projet SVRAI : Sauver des Vies par le Retour d’Analyse sur Incidents Convention de Subvention DSCR n°: 7624. Livrables 2S1 et 3S2 : Logiciels embarqués des EMMA2 en phase 1 et leurs évolutions
- 2012Design and experimental validation of linear and non linear vehicle steering control strategiescitations
- 2012Road safety: Embedded observers for estimation of vehicle vertical tire forcescitations
- 2012Design and experimental validation of linear and nonlinear vehicle steering control strategies
- 2012Intelligent Vehicles: Unscented Kalman filter for real-time vehicle lateral tire forces and sideslip angle estimation. In Meyers, Robert A. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
- 2012Projet SVRAI : Sauver des Vies par le Retour d’Analyse sur Incidents. Convention de Subvention DSCR n°: 7624. Livrable 6A1 : Description des exploitations thématiques
- 2011Onboard Real-Time Estimation of Vehicle Lateral Tire-Road Forces and Sideslip Angle
- 2011A vehicle skid indicator based on maximum friction estimation
- 2011Projet SVRAI : Sauver des Vies par le Retour d’Analyse sur Incidents. Convention de Subvention DSCR n°: 7624. Livrable 5P2-1 : Présentation du banc de test d'EMMA2
- 2010Observers for vehicle tire/road forces estimation: experimental validationcitations
- 2010Steering vehicle control via robust linear control and non linear control: Experimental evaluation
- 2010Diagnostic de rupture d'un itinéraire : développement et perspectives d'utilisation
- 2010Synthèse et validation d'une loi de commande linéaire robuste de braquage d'une automobile
- 2010Two degrees of freedom PID multi-controllers to design a mathematical driver model: Experimental validation and robustness tests
- 2009Estimation of vehicle sideslip, tire force and wheel cornering stiffnesscitations
- 2009Estimation of vehicle lateral tire-road forces: a comparison between extended and unscented Kalman filtering
- 2009Lateral load transfer and normal forces estimation for vehicle safety: Experimental test
- 2007PROJET EDR - Enregistrement des Données des évènements de la Route. Conception et tests d'EMMA, prototype d'EDR développé par l'INRETS MA. Rapport final de convention CV05-019, DSCR-INRETS
- 2003Apport de la dynamique des véhicules a la prévention des pertes de contrôle
- 2003Sécurité des poids lourds au renversement
- 2002Rapport final du sujet 5 du programme 'Accidents par temps de pluie' : validation du modèle de simulation dynamique complet en situation d'adhérence dégradée et application a des pertes de contrôle sur chaussée mouillée
- 2002Analyse du comportement dynamique des véhicules routiers légers : développement d'une méthodologie appliquée à la sécurité primaire
- 2000Approche clinique de l'accident de la route. Recherches associées et applications. DESS sécurité des transports 2000
Places of action