380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Tröster, Thomas
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (234/234 displayed)
- 2024Characterization of Interfacial Corrosion Behavior of Hybrid Laminate EN AW-6082 ∪ CFRP
- 2024Development of a Tool Concept for Prestressed Fibre Metal Laminates and Their Effect on Interface Failure
- 2022Characterization of residual stresses in fiber metal laminate interfaces – A combined approach applying hole-drilling method and energy-dispersive X-ray diffractioncitations
- 2022Enhanced corrosion resistance of adhesive/galvanised steel interfaces by nanocrystalline ZnO thin film deposition and molecular adhesion promoting filmscitations
- 2022Sauber recyceln- Innovative Verfahrenskombination mit Ultraschall ermöglicht sicheren Umgang mit recycelten Carbonfasern. CU reports
- 2022Influence of the Surrounding Sheet Geometry on a Clinched Joint
- 2022Numerical investigation of the clinched joint loadings considering the initial pre-strain in the joining areacitations
- 2022Experimental Analysis of Residual Stresses in CFRPs through Hole-Drilling Method: The Role of Stacking Sequence, Thickness, and Defectscitations
- 2022Strength enhancement of AlMg sheet metal parts by rapid heating and subsequent cold die stamping of severely cold-rolled blankscitations
- 2022In-Mold-Assembly of Hybrid Bending Structures by Compression Molding
- 2022Investigation on hot sheet metal forming by means of a longitudinal flux inductor
- 2022Advanced Automotive Components by Fiber-Metal-Laminates
- 2022Identification of joints for a load-adapted shape in a body in white using steady state vehicle simulationscitations
- 2022Individualization of Public Transport - Integration of Technical and Social Dimensions of Sustainable Mobility
- 2022Investigations on the correlation of surface features and mechanical strength of laser-pretreated Al6082-T6 - epoxy E320 joints
- 2021A Generalized Stress State and Temperature Dependent Damage Indicator Framework for Ductile Failure Prediction in Heat-Assisted Forming Operationscitations
- 2021On the reliability of residual stress measurements in unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced epoxy compositescitations
- 2021Großserientaugliche induktive Platinenerwärmung für den Warmformprozess
- 2021HyOpt - Optimization-Based Development of Hybrid Materials
- 2021Forming Simulation of Tailored Press Hardened Parts
- 2021Experimental investigation on lightweight potentials of fiber-metal-laminates for automotive battery cases
- 2021Measurement and Analysis of Residual Stresses and Warpage in Fiber Reinforced Plastic and Hybrid Componentscitations
- 2021Entwicklung eines neuartigen Reinigungsverfahrens für recycelte Kohlenstofffasern. Abschlussbericht DBU-Projekt (Az.33929/01)
- 2021Soft-magnetic behavior of laser beam melted FeSi3 alloy with graded cross-sectioncitations
- 2021Mehrzieloptimierte und durchgängig automatisierte Bauteilentwicklung für Additive Fertigungsverfahren im Produktentstehungsprozess - Ergebnisbericht des BMBF Verbundprojektes OptiAMix
- 2021A new Device for Determination of Forming-Limit-Curves under Hot-Forming Conditionscitations
- 2021The Effect of Fiber Waviness on the Residual Stress State and Its Prediction by the Hole Drilling Method in Fiber Metal Laminates: A Global-Local Finite Element Analysiscitations
- 2021Development of a submodel technique for FFT-based solvers in micromechanical analysis
- 2021Hybridprofile für Trag- und Crashstrukturen
- 2021Non-linear mean-field modelling of UD composite laminates accounting for average asymmetric plasticity of the matrix, debonding and progressive failurecitations
- 2020Reduction of systematic measurement deviation in acoustic absorption measurement systems
- 2020Predicting fracture at non-isothermal forming conditions: A temperature dependent extension of the LS-DYNA GISSMO fracture indicator framework
- 2020Determination and Validation of Residual Stresses in CFRP/Metal Hybrid Components Using the Incremental Hole Drilling Methodcitations
- 2020Determination and Validation of Residual Stresses in CFRP/Metal Hybrid Components Using the Incremental Hole Drilling Methodcitations
- 2020A simplified method for the evaluation of the layer compression test using one 3D digital image correlation system and considering the material anisotropy by the equibiaxial Lankford parametercitations
- 2020A Holistic Approach to Optimization-Based Design of Hybrid Materials
- 2020A New Numerical Method for Potential Analysis and Design of Hybrid Components from Full Vehicle Simulations: Implementation and Component Designcitations
- 2020Numerical investigation of the hole-drilling method applied to intrinsic manufactured metal-CFRP hybrids
- 2020Wood-based materials as a sustainable alternative for future car body construction
- 2020A micromechanical-based finite element simulation of process-induced residual stresses in metal-CFRP-hybrid structurescitations
- 2020Development of a Hybrid Crash-Relevant Car Body Component with Load-Adapted Thickness Properties: Design, Manufacturing and Testingcitations
- 2020Residual stress measurement in GFRP/steel hybrid components
- 2019Investigation of ductility and fracture behavior of EN AW-5182 H18 at non-isothermal forming conditions
- 2019Challenges in fracture modeling under non-isothermal forming conditions using the example of a new forming process for aluminum blanks
- 2019Fracture prediction of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg materialscitations
- 2019Modeling the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Wood Crash Elements
- 2019Self-sealing tool concept for RTM-processes
- 2019Selbstabdichtendes Werkzeugkonzept für RTM-Prozesse
- 2019Analyse und Optimierung des Korrosions- und Alterungsverhaltens von hybriden Strukturen aus Metallen und CFK. EFB-Forschungsbericht Nr. 516
- 2019Energieabsorptions- und Versagensverhalten eines automobilen Seitenschwellers mit lokaler Verstärkung aus kohlenstofffaserverstärktem Kunststoff nach Alterung
- 2019Einsatz neuartiger Stähle und Generierung gradierter Leichtbaustrukturen im Presshärteprozess. Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e.V. im Stahl Zentrum
- 2019Analyse und Optimierung des Korrosions- und Alterungsverhaltens von hybriden Strukturen aus Metallen und CFK
- 2019Performance Parameters and HIP Routes for additively manufactured titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
- 2019A micromechanical based finite element simulation of process induced residual stresses in metal-CFRP-hybrid structures
- 2019Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben "Leichtbaustrukturen für Flugzeugkomponenten" : Verbund: KOBFS - Kostenoptimierter Baukasten für Flügelsysteme : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.01.2016 bis 30.06.2019, Berichtszeitraum: Januar 2016 bis Juni 2019. TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek Universitätsbibliothek Hannover; Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- 2019Investigation on Inductive Heating of Sheet Metal for an Industrial Hot Stamping Process
- 2019Press Hardening Integrated Structuring for Hybrid Components
- 2019Predicting plasticity and fracture of severe pre-strained EN AW-5182 by Yld2000 yield locus and Hosford-Coulomb fracture model in sheet forming applicationscitations
- 2018Influences of interface on the adhesion and corrosion properties of steel-CFRP hybrid structures manufactured by vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding
- 2018Inline additively manufactured functionally graded multi-materials: microstructural and mechanical characterization of 316L parts with H13 layerscitations
- 2018The influence of damage accumulation on failure prediction: a comparative assessment of *MAT_224 and *MAT_024 + GISSMO for the application in non-isothermal sheet metal forming
- 2018LHYBS – Lightweight Design by Novel Hybrid Materials
- 2018Additiv gefertigte, akustische Diffusor-Strukturen für Ultraschallanwendungen
- 2018Optimization-based material design of tailored stacked hybrids for further improvement in lightweight car body structures
- 2018Shear strength and failure behaviour of laser nano-structured and conventionally pre-treated interfaces in intrinsically manufactured CFRP-steel hybridscitations
- 2018Formability enhancement of EN AW-5182 H18 aluminum alloy sheet metal parts in a flash forming process: testing, calibration and evaluation of fracture modelscitations
- 2018Selective Laser Melting of Ti6Al4V with High Build Rates and Following Hot Isostatic Pressing
- 2018Entwicklung einer Prozessroute für die Luftfahrtindustrie mit erhöhter Aufbaurate im Laserstrahlschmelzprozess von Ti6Al4V
- 2018Modelling the Interface of Hybrid Metal-FRP Components Joint by Form Closures
- 2018Forming limit curves of DP600 determined in high-speed Nakajima tests and predicted by two different strain-rate-sensitive models
- 2018Investigation of ductility and damage characteristics of EN AW-5182 H18 at non-isothermal forming conditions
- 2018Manufacturing and crashworthiness of fabric-reinforced thermoplastic compositescitations
- 2018Design and Testing of Co-Cured Bonded CFRP-Steel Hybrids with Nanostructured Interfaces for Interlaminar Fracture Toughness
- 2018Holz als Werkstoff im Automobil
- 2018Herstellung hybrider Strukturkomponenten in einem modifizierten VARTM-Prozess
- 2018Intrinsic Manufacturing of Metal-FRP-Hybrid Structural Automotive Components by Resin Transfer Moulding
- 2018Forming and corrosion stability of a laser pre-treated metal surface-influence on the properties of metal-CFRP hybrid structures made by VARTM
- 2017Influence of strain rate on the instability in high speed cupping tests – Investigation on dual phase steel and numerical validation by CRACH
- 2017Duplex stainless steel fabricated by selective laser melting - Microstructural and mechanical propertiescitations
- 2017Additively manufactured acoustic diffuser structures for ultrasonic measurement applicationscitations
- 2017Analysis of the Forming Behaviour of Transition Areas of Partial Press-Hardened Steel at High Strain-Rates
- 2017Forming limit curves determined in high-speed Nakajima tests and predicted by a strain rate sensitive modelcitations
- 2017Separation of Hybrid Structures for the Reclaim of their Single Componentscitations
- 2017Increasing process speed in the laser melting process of Ti6Al4V and the reduction of pores during hot isostatic pressing
- 2017Materialkombinationen in der additive Fertigung
- 2017Experimental and numerical crushing analysis of circular CFRP tubes under axial impact loadingcitations
- 2017Effects of Holes in Blanks for Press Hardening Process due to Induction Heating
- 2017Computed Tomography Examination of Hybrid Components after Dynamic 3-Point Bending Test
- 2017Crashworthiness and numerical simulation of hybrid aluminium-CFRP tubes under axial impactcitations
- 2017Aspekte der Produktentwicklung in der additiven Fertigung
- 2017Investigation of geometrical discontinuities in blanks for hot sheet metal forming process under the influence of induction heating
- 2017Herstellung und computertomographische Untersuchung von hybriden Strukturen aus Metall und Faserverbundkunststoffen
- 2017Approve of porostiy for increasing process speed in the laser melting process of Ti6Al4V
- 2016Large-Scale Production of High-Performance Fiber-Metal-Laminates by Prepreg-Press-Technology
- 2016Manufacturing and investigation of steel-CFRP hybrid pillar structures for automotive applications by intrinsic resin transfer moulding technology
- 2016Shear edge tests: a benchmark in investigating the influence of different surface pretreatment methods on the shear stress of intrinsically manufactured metal-CFRP hybridscitations
- 2016Intrinsische Herstellung hybrider Strukturkomponenten in einen modifizierte RTM-Prozess
- 2016Laserbehandlung intrinsisch gefertigter Hybride - strukturelle, mechanische und korrosive Eigenschaften
- 2016Novel Process Approach for in-situ Insertion of Functional Elements in RTM-Applicationscitations
- 2016Parameterstudien an intrinsisch hergestellten Metall-FVK-Hybridstrukturen mittels RTM-Verfahren
- 2016Innovative largescale Production Process for multilayered Sheet-Metal-FRP-Structures
- 2016Experimentelle Untersuchung und Analyse des Energieabsorptionsverhaltens axial belasteter Faserverbundkunststoffe
- 2016Manufacturing and Crashworthiness of Fabric Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites
- 2016Influences of interface and surface pretreatment on the mechanical properties of metal-CFRP hybrid structures manufactured by resin transfer mouldingcitations
- 2016Neue Prototypen-Werkzeugtechnologie für Bipolarplatten und Batteriekomponenten
- 2016Recyclingkonzepte für hybride Strukturen
- 2016CarS: Carbon Fiber Reinforced Steel for Structural Automotive Applications
- 2016Technikevaluation für die generative Fertigung eines Serien-Radträgers
- 2015Influences of process parameters on the mechanical properties of hybrid sheet metal-FRP-composites manufactured by prepreg press technology
- 2015Multi-axial Material Testing at High Strain Rates in High Speed Cupping Tests
- 2015Textile composites in the automotive industry. Chapter 16citations
- 2015Methodology for the Product Engineering of Lightweight Structures in Multi-Material Design
- 2015Fatigue Behaviour of a Structural Component Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting and Investment Casting
- 2015Kennwertermittlung an Faserverbundkunststoffen für Crashsimulationen mit dem FE-Solver LS-Dyna
- 2015Fatigue life prediction for metals processed by Selective Laser Melting using finite element analyses
- 2015Material follows form follows function
- 2015Partial hardening of new press hardenable steels
- 2015Bestimmung und Optimierung von Eigenspannungen in hybriden Werkstoffsystemen aus Metall und Faserverbundkunststoff (FVK)
- 2015Fatigue Strength Prediction for Titanium Alloy TiAl6V4 Manufactured by Selective Laser Meltingcitations
- 2015Intrinsische Herstellung hybrider Strukturkomponenten in einem modifizierten RTM-Prozess
- 2014On the fatigue crack growth behavior in 316L stainless steel manufactured by selective laser meltingcitations
- 2014Selective-Laser-Melting materials under cyclic loading: Influence of process-inherent defects on the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks
- 2014Crash performance of the new press hardenable steel 15MnB6
- 2014Crash simulation of high strength automotive components using advanced failure models
- 2014Functionally Graded Alloys Obtained by Additive Manufacturingcitations
- 2014Efficient manufacturing of hybrid structures consisting of steel and CFRP with using residual heat / Effiziente Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus Stahl und CFK mithilfe von Restwärmeausnutzung
- 2014Evaluation of the effect of defects on the mechanical performance of components manufactured by selective laser melting
- 2014On the mechanical performance of structures manufactured by selective laser melting: Damage initiation and propagation
- 2014Quasistatic and crash tests of steel-CFRP hybrid pillar structures for automotive applicationscitations
- 2014Characterization of the corrosion influence on the fatigue behavior of intrinsic CFRP-steel-hybrids
- 2014Mehrachsige Werkstoffprüfung bei hoher Dehnrate im Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tiefungsversuch
- 2014Numerical simulation of the energy absorption of fiber-reinforced plastics
- 2014Parametereinfluss auf die Verbundfestigkeit einer Organoblech-Kurzfaserthermoplast-Werkstoffkombination
- 2014Study of the Bond Strength of a Combination Consisting of Composite Sheet and Short-Fiber Thermoplastic
- 2014On the fatigue properties of metals manufactured by selective laser melting – The role of ductilitycitations
- 2013Leichtbau mit Hybridstrukturen im Automobil
- 2013Crashworthiness of Hybrid Structures
- 2013Hybrid Structures Consisting of Sheet Metal and Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Structural Automotive Applicationscitations
- 2013On the mechanical behaviour of titanium alloy TiAl6V4 manufactured by selective laser melting: Fatigue resistance and crack growth performancecitations
- 2013Manufacturing of Hybrid Structures by Prepreg Press Technology
- 2013Recycling of Automotive Sheet Metal-Fibre Reinforced Plastic-Hybrid Structures
- 2013Verhalten von lasergeschmolzenen Bauteilen aus der Titan-Aluminium-Legierung TiAl6V4 unter zyklischer Beanspruchung∗citations
- 2013Influences of Automotive Process Characteristics on Hybrid Structures
- 2013Curing of fibre reinforced plastics by resistance heating of sheet metal in a hybrid structure
- 2013Graded Lightweight Structures Through Hot Forming
- 2013Effizienter Leichtbau durch gradierte Eigenschaften im Presshärteprozess
- 2013Bewertung des Einflusses korrosiver Schädigung auf das Ermüdungsverhalten von CFK/Stahl-Hybridverbindungen
- 2013Highly Anisotropic Steel Processed by Selective Laser Meltingcitations
- 2013On the Fatigue Behavior of TiAl6V4 Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting– Influence of Process Induced Defects
- 2012Joining technologies for hybrid materials consisting of sheet metal and carbon fibre reinforced plastics
- 2012Characterization and Comparison of Mechanical Properties of SLM Materials with Regard to Process Cycle Time Improvement
- 2012Crash worthiness of hybrid pillar structures consisting of sheet metal and local CFRP reinforcements
- 2012P 850 – Wirbelbetterwärmung von Platinen für das Presshärten
- 2012Automobilleichtbau mit innovativen Werkstoffen und Prozessen
- 2012Simulation and testing of hybrid structures consisting of press-hardened steel and CFRP
- 2012Manufacturing Processes for Combined Forming of Multi-Material Structures Consisting of Sheet Metal and Local CFRP Reinforcementscitations
- 2012Beitrag zum Fortschritt im Automobilleichtbau durch belastungsgerechte Gestaltung und innovative Lösungen für lokale Verstärkungen von Fahrzeugstrukturen in Mischbauweise
- 2012Crash tests of hybrid structures consisting of sheet metal and local CFRP reinforcements
- 2012Endkonturennahe Fertigung von höchstfesten Hybridbauteilen
- 2012Influence of heat-treatment on Selective Laser Melting products - e.g. Ti6Al4V
- 2012Methodik für die Produktentstehung hybrider Leichtbaustrukturen
- 2012Simulation and manufacturing of deep drawn parts reinforced by carbon fibre prepregs
- 2012Untersuchung zyklisch belasteter SLM-Bauteile aus der Titan-Aluminium-Legierung TiAl6V4. DVM-Bericht 139, Werkstoffe und Fügeverfahren - Neue Herausforderungen für die Betriebsfestigkeit
- 2011Multi-material systems. High strength steels and fiber-reinforced plastics
- 2011In situ characterization of the deformation and failure behavior of non-stochastic porous structures processed by selective laser meltingcitations
- 2011Photoluminescence properties of Sm2+-doped BaBr2 under hydrostatic pressurecitations
- 2011Belastungsangepasste Strukturbauteile für Automobile aus höchstfesten Werkstoffen und Hybridwerkstoffen
- 2011Multi-material systems for tailored automotive structural components
- 2011Advanced manufacturing technologies for automotive structures in multi-material design consisting of high-strength steels and CFRP
- 2011Advanced manufacturing technologies for automotive structures in multi-material design consisting of high-strength steels and CFRP
- 2011Effect of high pressure on photoluminescence properties of Eu3+: K–Ba–Al–fluorophosphate glassescitations
- 2011Herstellung von belastungsgerechten Strukturbauteilen mittels partieller induktiver Härtung
- 2011Production of load-adapted lightweight designs by partial hardening
- 2011Pressure-dependent fluorescence studies of Sm3+-doped fluorophosphate glasscitations
- 2011Produktionsverfahren zur Herstellung höchstfester hybrider Leichtbaustrukturen für den Einsatz im Automobil
- 2011Hybrid structures for tailored structural automotive components
- 2011Großserientaugliche Herstellung höchstfester Hybridwerkstoffe durch Prepregpressen
- 2011Hybridstrukturen für den automobilen Leichtbau
- 2011Multimaterialsysteme höchstfest verbunden
- 2011Hybrid FRP-Steel components for automotive applications
- 2011Fluidized bed heating of blanks for the hot forming process
- 2011Großserientaugliche Herstellung von Hybridwerkstoffen durch Prepregpressencitations
- 2011Manufacturing processes for automotive structures in multi-material design consisting of sheet metal and CFRP prepregs
- 2011Untersuchung alternativer Erwärmungsverfahren für den Presshärteprozesscitations
- 2011Mechatronisches System zur Bestimmung der Restlebensdauer von Faserverbund-Leichtbaustrukturen am Beispiel einer Lauffeder
- 2011Schadensdetektion in hybriden Metall-Faserverbundkunststoff-Konstruktionen
- 2011Automobilleichtbau durch höchstfeste Multimaterialsysteme
- 2011Höchstfeste Hybridwerkstoffe aus Stahl und Faserverbundkunststoffen
- 2010Höchstfeste Multimaterialsysteme aus Stahl und Faserverbundkunststoffen
- 2010Role of the local structure and the energy trap centers in the quenching of luminescence of the Tb3+ ions in fluoroborate glasses: a high pressure studycitations
- 2010High pressure luminescence study of Sm 3+ : K–Ba–Al fluorophosphate glasscitations
- 2009Optical properties of Dy3+-doped phosphate and fluorophosphate glassescitations
- 2009Einsatz von Simulationswerkzeugen in der Entwicklungskette von ultrahochfesten warmgeformten Strukturkomponenten im Fahrzeugleichtbau*citations
- 2009Luminescence properties of Sm(3+)-doped P(2)O(5)-PbO-Nb(2)O(5) glass under high pressurecitations
- 2009Pressure-dependent luminescence properties of Tb 3+ -doped K–Ba–Al fluorophosphate glass
- 2008Pressure dependent luminescence properties of Eu 3+ : TeO 2 -K 2 O-Nb 2 O 5 glasscitations
- 2008Einsatz von Simulationswerkzeugen in der Entwicklungskette von ultrahochfesten warmgeformten Strukturkomponenten im Fahrzeugleichtbau
- 2008Effect of pressure on luminescence properties of Sm3+ ions in potassium niobate tellurite glasscitations
- 2008Development status and market potential of hot formed ballistic steels
- 2007Optical spectroscopy of Sm3+ ions in phosphate and fluorophosphate glassescitations
- 2007Photoluminescence from the 5D4 level of Tb3+ ions in K–Ba–Al fluorophosphate glass under pressurecitations
- 2007Ermittlung dynamischer Grenzformänderungsdiagramme für Karosseriestähle
- 2007Optical absorption and photoluminescence studies of Eu3+-doped phosphate and fluorophosphate glassescitations
- 2006Photoluminescence from the (5)D(0) level of Eu(3+) ions in a phosphate glass under pressurecitations
- 2006High pressure fluorescence studies of Sm 3+ -doped K–Ba–Al phosphate glasscitations
- 2004High-pressure luminescence study of Eu3+ in lithium borate glasscitations
- 2004Innovative Warmumformung
- 2004A fluorescence study of Tb 3+ doped tellurite glass under pressurecitations
- 2003Optical Studies of Non-Metallic Compounds under Pressurecitations
- 2003Crystal fields of Pr3+ in LiYF4 under pressurecitations
- 2002Pressure dependence study on the electron–phonon coupling of thulium hexachloroelpasolitecitations
- 2002Pressure-induced energy transfer processes between Sm3+ ions in lithium fluoroborate glassescitations
- 2002Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Eu 3+ Ion Local Structure in the Pressure Induced Amorphization Of EuZrF 7 Polycrystalcitations
- 2002High-pressure studies on configuration interactions of Pr3+ in different hostscitations
- 2002Luminescence of BaBr2:Eu2+ under hydrostatic pressurecitations
- 2001Crystal field analysis of different Er 3+ sites in LiNbO 3citations
- 2001ODEPR and yellow luminescence intensity in GaN under high pressurecitations
- 2001Analysis of correlation effects in the crystal-field splitting of Pr3+:LaCl3 and Nd3+:LaCl3 under pressure
- 2001Spectroscopic Characterization of Dominant Cr3+ centers in LiNbO3 Crystals
- 2001Dominant Cr3+ centers in LiNbO3 under hydrostatic pressurecitations
- 2001Effect of pressure on the fluorescence lifetimes of Eu3+:lithium borate glass. Centre for Advanced Technology
- 2001Spectroscopic monitoring of the Eu3+ ion local structure in the pressure induced amorphization of EuZrF7 polycrystal
- 2001Optical characterization of Cr3+ centers in LiNbO3citations
- 2000High pressure physics. Prof. C.K. Jayasankar, Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University. Invited Seminar
- 2000Crystal Field Analysis of different Er3+ sites in LiNbO3
- 2000Kristallfelder von f-Elementen unter hohem Druck. Prof. Zimmerer, Universität Hamburg, II. Institut für Experimentalphysik, DESY Hamburg. Invited Seminar
- 2000High-pressure fluorescence study of Sm3+: lithium fluoroborate glassescitations
- 2000Effect of pressure on free-ion and crystal-field parameters of Pr3+ in LOCl(L=La, Pr, Gd)citations
- 2000High-resolution site selective optical spectroscopy of rare earth and transition metal defects in insulatorscitations
- 2000Platzselektive Untersuchungen von Er3+ Ionen in LiNbO3 unter Einfluß von elektrischen Feldern und hydrostatischem Druck
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |