380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Schlegel, Thomas
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (211/211 displayed)
- 2023Mobile Device-Based Interactions for Collocated Direct Voting in Collaborative Scenarios
- 2023Mobile AR in the Wild: Exploring an Augmented Reality Concept for a Nature Discovery Path and evaluating its Serious Game Elementscitations
- 2023XAutoML: A Visual Analytics Tool for Understanding and Validating Automated Machine Learningcitations
- 2022Do additional auditory instructions in smartphone navigation con-tribute to the road safety of cyclists? A field study evaluating the gaze behavior of cyclists
- 2022Development and Evaluation of a Tangible Interaction Concept for Assembly Workstations
- 2022A Tangible Based Interaction-and Visualization-Tool for the Analyzation of Individual Mobility Data on an Augmented Reality Table
- 2022Defining a Context Model for Smart Manufacturing, , accepted
- 2022Evolution of Pick-by-Light Concepts for Assembly Workstations to improve the Efficiency in Industry 4.0
- 2022Investigating the Potential of Data Science Methods for Sustainable Public Transportcitations
- 2021Mobilitätssysteme–von Daten, Schnittstellen und Modellen
- 2021Augmented Reality Passenger Information on Mobile Public Displays–an Iterative Evaluation Approach
- 2021Analysis and comparison of the gaze behavior of e-scooter drivers and cyclists
- 2021Are e-scooter riders more oblivious to traffic than cyclists? A real world study investigating the execution of shoulder glances
- 2021Tackling Problems on Maintenance and Evolution in Industry 4.0 Scenarios Using a Distributed Architecture. Software Engineering 2021 Satellite Events: Workshops and Tools & Demos
- 20211st Workshop on Evaluating Intelligent and Ubiquitous Mobility Systems
- 2021Verbindungsaufbau zu mobilen Public Displays
- 2021Erratum zu: Mensch-Computer-Interaktion als zentrales Gebiet der Informatik–Bestandsaufnahme, Trends und Herausforderungen
- 2021Validierung von Klassifizierungsmethoden zur Bestimmung der Straßenqualität mithilfe Mobiler Smartphone Sensorik
- 2021Sensordatenerhebung Komfortbezogener Einflüsse auf den Radverkehr. INFORMATIK 2020 - Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
- 2020Augmented Reality Passenger Information on Mobile Public Displays
- 2020Augmented Reality Passenger Information on Mobile Public Displays
- 2020A Passenger Context Model for Adaptive Passenger Information in Public Transport
- 2020Comparison of CNN for the detection of small objects based on the example of components on an assembly table
- 2020Interactive AR Models in Participation Processes
- 2020An evaluation environment for user studies in the public transport domain
- 2020Introducing Mobile Device-Based Interactions to Users: An Investigation of Onboarding Tutorials
- 2020Investigating Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques for Collocated Merging
- 2020Toolbox for analysis and evaluation of low-emission urban mobility
- 2020Conflict Situations and Driving Behavior in Road Traffic–An Analysis Using Eyetracking and Stress Measurement on Car Drivers
- 2020Towards Interaction Design for Mobile Devices in Collocated Mixed-Focus Collaboration
- 2020A Multi-device Evaluation Approach of Passenger Information Systems in Smart Public Transport
- 2020Introducing Mobile Device-Based Interactions to Userscitations
- 2020Resiliente soziotechnische Prozesse im industriellen Internet der Dinge
- 2020Mensch-Computer-Interaktion als zentrales Gebiet der Informatik–Bestandsaufnahme, Trends und Herausforderungen
- 2019Methodology for qualitative assessment of the passenger information in public transportation systems. Extended Abstract. Hands on Sustainable Mobility
- 2019A mobile application for creating business model canvases
- 2019Evaluation of a smart public display in public transport
- 2019Networking Road Users to Increase Traffic Safety through Collision Avoidance using Smartphones
- 2019User strategies for mobile device-based interactions to prevent shoulder surfing
- 2019Investigating Users’ Responses to Context-Aware Presentations on Large Displays in Public Transport
- 2019Prototyping Approach of Networking Road Users for Cooperative Collision Avoidance using Smartphones
- 2019An Evaluation Approach for a Smart Public Display in Public Transport
- 2019Smart Traffic Light Request Button–Improving Interaction and Accessibility for Pedestrians
- 2019How to get in touch with the passenger: context-aware choices of output modality in smart public transport
- 2019Turn it, pour it, twist it: a model for designing mobile device-based interactions
- 2019A Context Aware Evaluation Tool for Individual Mobility. Extended Abstract
- 2019Understanding the usefulness and acceptance of adaptivity in smart public transport
- 2019Monitoring road surface conditions for bicycles–using mobile device sensor data from crowd sourcing
- 2019Vote-for-it: Investigating mobile device-based interaction techniques for collocated anonymous voting and rating
- 2019MilkyWay: A Toolbox for Prototyping Collaborative Mobile-Based Interaction Techniques
- 2019Investigating Users' Responses to Context-Aware Presentations on Large Displays in Public Transport
- 2018Digitalisierung zum Anfassen!
- 2018Modelled fate of sulphur and chlorine in rotary lime kilns Part I: Chemical equilibria prevailing in the kilns
- 2018Cooperative Robot Teams Performing in Hospitals
- 2018Toward an execution system for self-healing workflows in cyber-physical systems
- 2018A visual comparison of gaze behavior from pedestrians and cyclists
- 2018Online Behavior Tracking in Social Sciences: Quality Criteria and Technical Implementation
- 2018Mixed-focus collaboration activities for designing mobile interactions
- 2017Interaktive Customer Experience mit mobilen und öffentlichen Systemen im stationären Handel
- 2017Lessons Learned on the Design of Several Tools for Participation on Foot.
- 2017User Centric Web Usage Mining as a Tool for Social Science
- 2017Kommunikationsplattform fuer den OEPV-Forschungsprojekt Dynamo testet das Potenzial sozialer Netzwerke
- 2017Interactive guidance and real-time fault recognition for manual operations through a stationary AR system and visual object detection
- 2017An execution system for self-healing workflows in cyber-physical systems
- 2016Model based and service oriented interaction for ubiquitous environments
- 2016Using semantic queries to enable dynamic service invocation for processes in the internet of things
- 2016The reengineering of existing lime kilns
- 2016A context-adaptive workflow engine for humans, things and services
- 2016Goal-based semantic queries for dynamic processes in the internet of things
- 2016Understanding the process conditions in a parallel flow regenerative kiln
- 2016Natural voting interactions for collaborative work with mobile devices
- 2016Natural collocated interactions for merging results with mobile devices
- 2016An interactive mobile control center for cyber-physical systems
- 2016Device-based interactions for anonymous voting and rating with mobile devices in collaborative scenarios
- 2015Mobiles Requirements Engineering mit Hilfe modellbasierter Storyboards
- 2015A capability-based framework for programming small domestic service robots
- 2015Model-based interactive ubiquitous systems modiquitous
- 2015A Time-location-Based Itinerary Visualization.
- 2015Modelling complex and flexible processes for smart cyber-physical environments
- 2015An Adaptive, Structural and Content Gamification Concept for Regulated Daily Routines.
- 2015A Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interaction Concepts.
- 2015Proteus: An integrated system for process execution in cyber-physical systems
- 2014An adaptive semantic mobile application for individual touristic exploration
- 2014Enabling cloud-based and personalized sensors in assisted living environments
- 2014Introducing the public transport domain to the web of data
- 2014Mdro-a modular daily routine ontology for assisted living
- 2014A combined simulation and test case generation strategy for self-adaptive systems
- 2014ICT for sustainability in industry
- 2014A framework for controlling robots via brain-computer interfaces
- 2014A visualization concept for mobile faceted search
- 2014Per-Fragment Image-based Flow Visualization using Interactive Surface Extraction from Unstructured Grids
- 2014Full-body interaction for the elderly in trade fair environments
- 2014Monitoring daily routine anomalies in assisted living environments
- 2014A distributed execution environment enabling resilient processes for ubiquitous systems
- 2014Towards an interaction concept for efficient control of cyber-physical systems
- 2014A Distributed Execution Environment Enabling Resilient Processes for Ubiquitious Systems
- 2014Model-based multi-touch gesture interaction for diagram editors
- 2014Using Variability Management in Mobile Application Test Modeling
- 2014Capturing and Reusing Empirical Knowledge for Activity Recognition in Assisted Living Environments
- 2014A feasibility study of context-adaptive visualizations in public transport information systems
- 2014Potenziale mobiler Endgeräte für die Nutzung im kollaborativen Lernen.
- 2014A resilient interaction concept for process management on tabletops for cyber-physical systems
- 2013A prototyping and evaluation framework for interactive ubiquitous systems
- 2013Modelling Complex and Flexible Processes for Smart Cyber-Physical Environments
- 2013An Ontology-Based Interaction Concept for Social-Aware Applications
- 2013Enabling virtual, cloud-based sensors in assisted living environments
- 2013Einleitung: Warum Multi-Touch?
- 2013An interaction concept for public displays and mobile devices in public transport
- 2013Modellbasierte Softwaretechnologien zur Entwicklung durch Benutzer
- 2013Application du concept développement durable au traitement des sols dans les travaux de terrassements
- 2013A seamless integration, semantic middleware for cyber-physical systems
- 2013A seamless integration, semantic middleware for cyber-physical systems
- 2013Teilautomatisierte Migration von graphischen Benutzeroberflächen für Touchscreens
- 2012Towards a flexible control center for cyber-physical systems
- 2012Towards a flexible control center for cyber-physical systems
- 2012Mobile Reisebegleitung mit NFC-Unterstützung
- 2012Model-based interactive ubiquitous systems
- 2012Model-based interactive ubiquitous systems
- 2012Test modeling for context-aware ubiquitous applications with feature petri nets
- 2012Migration und Anpassung von Benutzeroberflächen für Touchscreens.
- 2012Management of interactive business processes in decentralized service infrastructures through event processing
- 2012Management of interactive business processes in decentralized service infrastructures through event processing
- 2011Vorgehensmodell zum Einsatz von Storyboarding als Basistechnik fuer die kontext-und modellbasierte Ableitung von Interaction-Cases fuer ubiquitaere …
- 2011Supply chain as a service: a cloud perspective on supply chain systems
- 2011Evaluation of Different Interaction Techniques for Touch Devices. IADIS International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
- 2011A First Model for Human-Computer Interaction in the Semantic Web
- 2011Smart connected and interactive production control in a distributed environment
- 2011Smart connected and interactive production control in a distributed environment
- 2011Referenzarchitektur eines Frameworks für die Entwicklung kompositer, ubiquitärer Anwendungen
- 2011Von modellbasierten storyboards zu kontextsensitiven interaction-cases
- 2011Ubiquitous Alignment
- 2011Ubiquitous Alignment
- 2011Nutzerorientierte Visualisierung von Fahrplaninformationen auf mobilen Geräten im öffentlichen Verkehr
- 2011A model for human-computer interaction in the semantic web
- 2011An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Study of Cognitive Aspects in Visualization. International Symposium Scientific Computing for the Cognitive Sciences 2010
- 2011Model-based ubiquitous interaction concepts and contexts in public systems
- 2011Interaktionspräferenzen für Personas im öffentlichen Personenverkehr
- 2011Interaktion und Visualisierung im Daten-Web
- 2011On modeling a social networking service description
- 2011Interaktionspräferenzen für Personas im öffentlichen Personenverkehr. Mensch & Computer
- 2011Improving the usability of hierarchical representations for interactively labeling large image data sets
- 2011Improving the usability of hierarchical representations for interactively labeling large image data sets
- 2011Vorgehensmodell zum Einsatz von Storyboarding als Basistechnik für die kontext-und modellbasierte Ableitung von Interaction-Cases für ubiquitäre Systeme.
- 2011A context taxonomy supporting public system design
- 2011Nutzerorientierte Visualisierung von Fahrplaninformationen auf mobilen Geräten im öffentlichen Verkehr.
- 2011Interaktionspräferenzen für Personas im öffentlichen Personenverkehr
- 2010Running graphical desktop applications on tactile graphics displays made easy
- 2010Cooperative Robot Teams Performing in a Hospital
- 2010Running Graphical Desktop Applications on Tactile Graphics Displays Made Easy
- 2010Improving screen magnification using the HyperBraille multiview windowing technique
- 2010Improving screen magnification using the HyperBraille multiview windowing technique
- 2010Starke Kopplung: Interaktion als Schlüssel für das Semantic Web
- 2010Evaluation of Current User Interface Generator Frameworks for Graphical Interactive Systems
- 2010Evaluation of Current User Interface Generator Frameworks for Graphical Interactive Systems
- 2010Starke Kopplung-Interaktion als Schlüssel für das Semantic Web
- 2010Integration heterogen strukturierter Services durch modellbasierte Interaktion
- 2010An interactive process meta model for runtime user interface generation and adaptation
- 2010Dynamische Usability Patterns für Web-Applikationen. Mensch und Computer
- 2010Starke Kopplung-Interaktion als Schlüssel für das Semantic Web, Interaktive Kulturen
- 2010Interaction-cases: Model-based description of complex interactions in use cases
- 2010Interaction-cases: Model-based description of complex interactions in use cases
- 2009Ein JavaScript-Framework zur erweiterten Nutzung strukturierter und annotierter SVG-Grafiken in Webseiten
- 2009Object-oriented interactive processes in decentralized production systems
- 2009Ein JavaScript-Framework zur erweiterten Nutzung strukturierter und annotierter SVG-Grafiken in Webseiten
- 2009Model-based User Interface Generation from Process-Oriented Models, Human Computer Interaction. IN-TECH
- 2009Interacting with the supply swarm: Towards an interactive and visual management of supply webs
- 2009Model-based User Interface Generation from Process-Oriented Models
- 2009Vom Gezwitscher zur umfassenden und aktuellen Situationseinschätzung. Mensch und Computer 2009: Zweiter Workshop Nutzerinteraktion im Social Semantic Web
- 2008Predictive maintenance and diagnostics of machine tools
- 2008Object-orientation in planning and control of decentralized production systems. Accepted Paper
- 2008Semantic Models and Processes for Enabling Decentralized Production IT Infrastructures
- 2008Smart Connected and Interactive Production Control in a Distributed Environment
- 2008Laufzeit-Modellierung objektorientierter interaktiver Prozesse in der Produktion
- 2008Object-orientation in planning and control of decentralized production systems
- 2008Laufzeit-Modellierung objektorientierter interaktiver Prozesse in der Produktion. Dissertation
- 2008Ontology-based safety and reliability issues at the factory control operations
- 2008Interactive Processes and Semantic Models in Production Systems
- 2007Information Gathering and Interactive Workflow Execution based on Semantic Models in a Decentralized Production Environment
- 2007Produktion 2.0—semantic web services in der produktion
- 2007Semantic Models and Processes for Information Gathering and Interactive Workflow Execution in Decentralized Production Environments
- 2007Produktion 2.0–Semantic Web Services in der Produktion
- 2007Generierung ergonomischer User Interfaces. HERBS-ein Modell für die frühen Phasen der Softwareentwicklung bei interaktiven Anwendungen
- 2007INT-MANUS: interactive production control in a distributed environment
- 2007INT-MANUS: interactive production control in a distributed environment
- 2007Foresight formulation in innovative production, automation and control systems
- 2007Mobile telephone device comprising multiwire electrical connection devices
- 2007Part IV-Work and Collaboration Support-Decentralized Information Aggregation and Central Control in Networked Production Environments
- 2007Information Gathering and Interactive Workflow Execution based on Semnatic Models in a Decentralized Production Environment
- 2007Decentralized information aggregation and central control in networked production environments
- 2007Decentralized information aggregation and central control in networked production environments
- 2007Applications of virtual reality in product design evaluation
- 2007Applications of virtual reality in product design evaluation
- 2006INT-MANUS: revolutionary controlling of production processes
- 2006A model-based graphical user-interface for process control systems in manufacturing
- 2006Service orientation in production control
- 2006Use of agents for predictive maintenance and diagnostics of machine tools
- 2006Integrating human personnel, robots, and machines in manufacturing plants using ubiquitous augmented reality and smart agents
- 2005Empowering service organizations by integrating creativity and knowledge management into the service development process
- 2005Service engineering for IT enabled service products, CD-ROM
- 2005User interface for service oriented architectures
- 2005User interfaces for service oriented architectures, CD-ROM
- 2005Entwicklung innovativer Dienstleistungen: Wissen, Kreativität, Lernen
- 2004FabSCORE - A framework for ergonomics in semiconductor productions
- 2004A framework for semantic Web service retrieval
- 2004A framework for semantic Web service retrieval
- 2004Wissen und Kreativität in der modellbasierten Dienstleistungsentwicklung-Fragestellungen und Ergebnisse aus dem Vorhaben LIKE
- 2004A flow centric interaction model for requirements specification and user interface generation
- 2004Lösungen für ein integriertes Kreativitäts- und Wissensmanagement im Dienstleistungsprozess
- 2003Interaktionsmodelle in der Spezifikation: Von der Datenzentrierung zur Ablauforientierung (Interaction models in the requirements specification: From data …
- 2003Interaction models in the requirements specification: From data centric to flow centric models
- 2002Entwurf und Erprobung eines software-gestützten Verfahrens zur Anwendung software-ergonomischer Methoden in den frühen Phasen der …
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |