380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Ricci, Stefano
Maritime Research Institute Netherlands
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (124/124 displayed)
- 2024Existing Studies and Information Sources on Rail High Education and Skills Development
- 2024Reduction Potential of Gaseous Emissions in European Ports Using Cold Ironingcitations
- 2023Deep learning based virtual point tracking for real-time target-less dynamic displacement measurement in railway applications
- 2023Fire Management on Container Ships: New Strategies and Technologiescitations
- 2023Influence of Signalling Systems on the Capacity of Railways by Lines and Nodes Assessment Methodscitations
- 2022Expectations of train drivers for innovative driving cabin
- 2022Expectations of train drivers for innovative driving cabin
- 2022Current teaching practices and methods on rail higher education in Europe
- 2022Present and Future of Rail Freight: Problems and Challengescitations
- 2022Efficient Reuse of Railway Track Waste Materialscitations
- 2022Accessibility to passenger trains: review and tests of innovative solutions
- 2022Best practices exchange in sea-rail intermodality. A case study of the ports of İzmir, Turkey and Trieste, Italycitations
- 2022Capacity Assessment in Freight-Passengers Complex Railway Nodes: Trieste Case Studycitations
- 2022Energy and Emissions Saving in Urban Guided Transport Systems: Effectiveness and Assessment of Hydrogen-Based Solutionscitations
- 2022Economic and environmental impacts of scrubbers investments in shipping: a multi-sectoral analysiscitations
- 2021Energy efficiency assessment of rail freight transport: Freight tram in Berlincitations
- 2021Visual Measurement System for Wheel–Rail Lateral Position Evaluationcitations
- 2021The importance of sleepers spacing in railwayscitations
- 2021The importance of sleepers spacing in railwayscitations
- 2021The role of road transport infrastructure investments on logistics performance. A research Agendacitations
- 2021Human Machine Interface: A review for future applications in train driving
- 2021Development of a contactless sensor system to support rail track geometry on-board monitoring
- 2021Comparative Application of Methods for Nodes Capacity Assessmentcitations
- 2021Human–Machine Interface in Transport Systems: An Industrial Overview for More Extended Rail Applicationscitations
- 2021Human–Machine Interface in Transport Systems: An Industrial Overview for More Extended Rail Applicationscitations
- 2021Human–Machine Interface in Transport Systems: An Industrial Overview for More Extended Rail Applicationscitations
- 2020Measuring Performances of Multi-mode Marshalling Yards
- 2020Ports’ structural and operational benchmark: Methodology and application to the Mediterranean basincitations
- 2020Comparative application of methods for the combined lines-nodes capacity assessmentcitations
- 2019Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Passenger Transportcitations
- 2019Potential effects of changes in the italian railway access charge regime on passenger services,Effetti potenziali del cambiamento nel regime italiano dei diritti di accesso ferroviari sui servizi passeggeri
- 2019Rail Education in Italy: The Successful Experience of Cooperation Between Academia and Industry at Sapienzacitations
- 2018An analysis of the railway access charges regime in the Italian contextcitations
- 2018Effect of passengers' flows on regularity of metro services: Case studies of Rome lines A and Bcitations
- 2018Rail Operations and Energy Management
- 2018Wear rates in urban rail systemscitations
- 2018From car to bike: Marketing and dialogue as a driver of change
- 2018Preface
- 2018Multimodal, intermodal and terminalscitations
- 2018Present and future operation of rail freight terminalscitations
- 2017Rail accessibility to a planned new soccer stadium in Rome,Accessibilità ferroviaria al nuovo stadio di Roma
- 2017Upgrading of Florence public transport to incorporate new tramlines,Riassetto del trasporto pubblico di Firenze a seguito dell'entrata in servizio di nuove linee di tram
- 2017Chapter 2: Rail Operations and Energy Management
- 2017Analysis and assessment of eco-driving strategies for train drivers training,Analisi e valutazione delle strategie di guida ecologica dei treni per la formazione del personale di condotta
- 2016Discrete events simulation of intermodal terminals operation: Modelling techniques and achievable results
- 2016Assessment Methods for Innovative Operational Measures and Technologies for Intermodal Freight Terminalscitations
- 2016Analytical methods and simulation models to assess innovative operational measures and technologies for rail port terminals: the case of Valencia Principe Felipe terminal
- 2016Analytical methods and simulation models to assess innovative operational measures and technologies for rail port terminals: the case of Valencia Principe Felipe terminal
- 2016Complex railway systems: capacity and utilisation of interconnected networkscitations
- 2016Analytical and simulation based methods for assessing measures and technologies capable to improve operation in railway freight terminals
- 2016How to make modal shift from road to rail possible in the European transport market, as aspired to in the EU Transport White Paper 2011citations
- 2016Innovations in a container terminal area and electrical power distribution for the service continuitycitations
- 2015A successful cooperation between academia and industry in higher rail education: The postgraduate course in "Railway Infrastructure and Systems Engineering" at Sapienzacitations
- 2015Capacity versus punctuality assessment procedures and accessibility measures for rail networks,Procedure di valutazione di capacità/Puntualità e misure di accessibilità per reti ferroviarie
- 2015Scheduling algorithms for rail operations and the automatic generation of timetables: application for railway capacity and perturbation evaluation / Generazione automatica di orari ed applicazioni di algoritmi di scheduling per la lo studio di capacità e perturbazioni di linee ferroviarie
- 2015Scheduling algorithms for rail operations and the automatic generation of timetables: Application for railway capacity and perturbation evaluation,Generazione automatica di orari ed applicazioni di algoritmi di programmazione per lo studio di capacità e perturbazioni di linee ferroviarie
- 2015Introduction by the editor in chief of IF ingegneria ferroviaria,Introduzione a cura del Direttore di IF - Ingegneria Ferroviaria
- 2015Economic–financial evaluation and multicriteria analysis of innovative public transport guided systems: an application to “Linea della Musica” in Rome
- 2015Ports structural and operational benchmark: methodology and application to Mediterranean basin
- 2015A successful cooperation between academia and industry in higher rail education. the postgraduate course in “Railway Infrastructure and Systems Engineering” at Sapienzacitations
- 2014Modeling of port - Freight village systems and loading units' tracking functions,Modellazione dei sistemi porto-interporto e delle funzioni di tracciabilità delle unità di carico
- 2014Punctuality based calibration of railway capacity models
- 2014The environmental and economic effects of innovative measures in urban parcels deliverycitations
- 2014Planning and management of mobility in natural protected areascitations
- 2014Planning and management of mobility in natural protected areascitations
- 2014A synthetic approach to the evaluation of the carrying capacity of complex railway nodescitations
- 2014Modeling of port - Freight village systems and loading units' tracking functions | Modellazione dei sistemi porto-interporto e delle funzioni di tracciabilità delle unità di carico
- 2014Automation in Railway Operations: Challenges, Perspectives and Experimented Effects on System Performance
- 2013Technical-Economical and Financial Analysis of Cold-Ironing: Case study of Cruise Terminal of Port of Venice
- 2013Technical-economical analysis of cold-ironing: Case study of venice cruise terminal
- 2013Rail vehicles, environment, safety and securitycitations
- 2013Railway operations, time-tabling and controlcitations
- 2012The modelling support to maritime terminals sea operation: The case study of port of Messina
- 2012Containers Management Simulation in Short Sea Shipping
- 2012Implementation and management of private traffic limitation in urban areas: Experiences and methodologies
- 2012Organization and management of an innovative intensive programme in rail logisticscitations
- 2012Railway Capacity Handbook: A Systematic Approach to Methodologiescitations
- 2012Implementation and management of private traffic limitation in urban areas: experiences and methodologies
- 2012Implementation and management of private traffic limitation in urban areas: experiences and methodologies.
- 2011Calculation of railway network capacity: comparing methodologies for lines and nodes
- 2011Model Reduction of the Flexible Rotating Crankshaft of a Motorcycle Engine Cranktraincitations
- 2011Automation of high density metro lines: Rome line a case studycitations
- 2011Driving and operation strategies for traction-energy saving in mass rapid transit systemscitations
- 2011Railway traffic on high density urban corridors: Capacity, signalling and timetablecitations
- 2010A Petri nets based decision support tool for railway traffic conflicts forecasting and resolution
- 2010Flexible multibody modeling of a racing motorcycle cranktrain: model reduction issues
- 2010Modelling Support for Maritime Terminals Planning and Operationcitations
- 2010Intermodal terminal simulation for operations management
- 2009Techniques and methodologies for carrying capacity evaluation: Comparative analysis and integration perspectives,Tecniche e metodologie per la determinazione della capacità ferroviaria: Analisi comparata e prospettive d'integrazione
- 2009The use of Petri Nets models in railway traffic applications
- 2009Check and forecasting of railway traffic regularity by a PETRI Nets based simulation model,Verifica e previsione della regolarità dei traffico ferroviario con un modello di simulazione basato sulle Reti di PETRI
- 2009Modelling support for maritime terminals planning and operation
- 2008A Petri nets based decision support tool for railway traffic conflicts forecasting and resolutioncitations
- 2008Integrated design process of maritime terminals assisted by simulation models
- 2006Safety system for railway operation relating to access charge on infrastructure
- 2006ATP/ATC systems effects on line carrying capacity
- 2006Effect of the distribution of the arrivals and of the intermodal unit sizes on the transit time through freight terminalscitations
- 2006Monitoring and forecasting of railway traffic regularity by a Petri nets model
- 2005Diagnostics of electric power components: An improvement on signal discrimination
- 2005Diagnostic process of the pantograph current-collector through an acoustic method
- 2005Application field and optimal co-ordination of fixed interval timetable services in passenger interchanges
- 2005Operation automation level in an underground line and service reliability
- 2005Soglie di convenienza e coordinamento nei nodi di scambio dei servizi ad orario cadenzato
- 2005Railway operation modeling by means of petri networks,La modellazione dell'esercizio ferroviario attraverso le Reti di PETRI
- 2005The sea-side port capacity: A synthetic evaluation model
- 2005Dependence of railway lines carrying capacity by signalling systems and track geometry
- 2005Application field and optimal co-ordination of fixed interval timetable services in passenger interchanges
- 2003Circuit-breaker diagnostics based on continuous wavelet transformcitations
- 2003Performances of railway freight terminals: a generalised model.
- 2003Planning, construction and experimental tuning of an urban railway noise cadaster
- 2003Planning, construction and experimental tuning of an urban railway noise cadaster
- 2002Railway Traffic Simulation by means of a Petri Net model
- 2002Railway traffic simulation by means of a Petri Net model
- 2002Performance analysis of a railway station: Tarvisio Boscoverde,Analisi delle prestazioni di una stazione: Tarvisio Boscoverde
- 2002Railway transport acoustic emission in urban areas: An experimental analysis,Emissioni sonore del trasporto ferroviario in ambito urbano: Un'analisi sperimentale
- 2001Simulation of stochastic elements in railway systems using self-learning processescitations
- 2001Induced shape irregularities in railway wheels,Irregolarità di forma indotte nelle ruote ferroviarie
- 2001Technology and human behaviour in railway traffic safety,Tecnologia e comportamenti umani nella sicurezza della circolazione ferroviaria
- 2000New urban transport systems: ongoing experiments and application fields
- 2000Carrying capacity of railway networks: interaction of line and node models
- 2000New urban transport systems: Ongoing experiments and application fields
- 2000Carrying capacity of railway networks: Interaction of line and node models
- 2000Railway system reliability. Simulation models for analysis and evaluation,Affidabilita dei sistemi ferroviari. Analisi e valutazione mediante modelli di simulazione
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |