380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Brandt, Jørgen
Aarhus University
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (247/247 displayed)
- 2024Luftkvalitet 2022
- 2024The Danish Lagrangian Model (DALM)citations
- 2024Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Risk of Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in the Danish Nurse Cohortcitations
- 2024Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and acute lower respiratory infections in the Danish Nurse Cohort
- 2024Perspectives on environment and health research in Denmarkcitations
- 2024Long-term exposure to air pollution and chronic kidney disease-associated mortality–Results from the pooled cohort of the European multicentre ELAPSE-studycitations
- 2024Long-term exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise and incidence of dementia in the Danish Nurse Cohort
- 2024Concomitant exposure to air pollution, green space and noise, and risk of myocardial infarction: a cohort study from Denmarkcitations
- 2024Long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of gastric and the upper aerodigestive tract cancers in a pooled European cohortcitations
- 2024Environmental inequality and population exposure to air pollution in Denmarkcitations
- 2024Long-term exposure to several constituents and sources of PM2.5 is associated with incidence of upper aerodigestive tract cancers but not gastric cancer: results from the large pooled European cohort of the ELAPSE project.citations
- 2024Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and risk of leukemia and lymphoma in a pooled European cohortcitations
- 2024Lifetime exposure to air pollution and academic achievement: A nationwide cohort study in Denmarkcitations
- 2023Long-term air pollution exposure and Parkinson's disease mortality in a large pooled European cohortcitations
- 2023Concomitant exposure to air pollution, green space, and noise and risk of strokecitations
- 2023Air pollution and stroke; effect modification by sociodemographic and environmental factorscitations
- 2023Long-term exposure to residential transportation noise and mortalitycitations
- 2023Estimering af helbredseffekter og eksterne omkostninger af brændeovne i Danmark
- 2023Long-term air pollution exposure and malignant intracranial tumours of the central nervous systemcitations
- 2023Exposure to ambient air pollution and lipid levels and blood pressure in an adult, Danish cohortcitations
- 2023Multiple myeloma risk in relation to long-term air pollution exposure - A pooled analysis of four European cohorts
- 2023Air pollution and myocardial infarction; effect modification by sociodemographic and environmental factorscitations
- 2023Source-Specific Air Pollution Including Ultrafine Particles and Risk of Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study from Denmarkcitations
- 2023Long-Term Exposure to Transportation Noise and Ischemic Heart Disease:A Pooled Analysis of Nine Scandinavian Cohortscitations
- 2023Long-term exposure to traffic noise and risk of incident colon cancercitations
- 2023Early-Life Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution from Multiple Sources and Asthma Incidence in Childrencitations
- 2023Exposure to long-term source-specific transportation noise and incident breast cancercitations
- 2023Long-term exposure to transportation noise and ischemic heart disease : a pooled analysis of nine Scandinavian cohortscitations
- 2023Luftkvalitet 2021
- 2023'Source-specific' air pollution and risk of stroke in Denmarkcitations
- 2023Long-Term Exposure to Transportation Noise and Ischemic Heart Diseasecitations
- 2023Breast Cancer Incidence in Relation to Long-Term Low-Level Exposure to Air Pollution in the ELAPSE Pooled Cohortcitations
- 2023Effects of Sociodemographic Characteristics, Comorbidity, and Coexposures on the Association between Air Pollution and Type 2 Diabetescitations
- 2023Air pollution with NO2, PM2.5, and elemental carbon in relation to risk of breast cancercitations
- 2022Air pollution at the residence of Danish adults, by socio-demographic characteristics, morbidity, and address level characteristicscitations
- 2022Exposure to source-specific air pollution and risk for type 2 diabetescitations
- 2022Luftkvalitet 2020
- 2022Long term exposure to air pollution and kidney parenchyma cancer – Effects of low-level air pollutioncitations
- 2022Air pollution, road traffic noise and lack of greenness and risk of type 2 diabetescitations
- 2022Residential road traffic and railway noise and risk of childhood cancercitations
- 2022Inflammatory markers and lung function in relation to indoor and ambient air pollutioncitations
- 2022Long-term Residential Exposure to Air Pollution and Risk of Testicular Cancer in Denmarkcitations
- 2022Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and all-cause and cause-specific mortalitycitations
- 2022Long-term Traffic-related Air Pollutant Exposure and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Diagnosis in Denmarkcitations
- 2022Air pollution and fecundabilitycitations
- 2022Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk for atrial fibrillationcitations
- 2022Exposure to surrounding greenness and natural-cause and cause-specific mortality in the ELAPSE pooled cohortcitations
- 2022Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and bladder cancer incidence in a pooled European cohortcitations
- 2022Long-Term Exposure to Source-Specific Fine Particles and Mortality-A Pooled Analysis of 14 European Cohorts within the ELAPSE Projectcitations
- 2022Exposure to transportation noise and risk for cardiovascular disease in a nationwide cohort study from Denmarkcitations
- 2022Long-term exposure to low ambient air pollution concentrations and mortality among 28 million peoplecitations
- 2022Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk for atrial fibrillation:A Danish nationwide cohort studycitations
- 2022The effect of adjustment to register-based and questionnaire-based covariates on the association between air pollution and cardiometabolic diseasecitations
- 2022Long-term exposure to air pollution and mortality from dementia, psychiatric disorders, and suicide in a large pooled European cohortcitations
- 2022Long-term Air Pollution Exposure and Pneumonia-related Mortality in a Large Pooled European Cohortcitations
- 2021Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incident myocardial infarction:A Danish Nurse Cohort studycitations
- 2021Unit costs of air emissions in Vietnam for energy system modelling.
- 2021Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and stroke incidencecitations
- 2021Exposure to PM2.5 constituents and risk of adult leukemia in Denmarkcitations
- 2021Vietnam Energy Outlook 2021 Preparation
- 2021Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and lung cancer incidence in the ELAPSE pooled cohortcitations
- 2021Long-Term Exposure to Road Traffic Noise and Air Pollution, and Incident Atrial Fibrillation in the Danish Nurse Cohortcitations
- 2021Modelling ultrafine particle number concentrations at address resolution in Denmark from 1979-2018 – Part 1citations
- 2021Modelling ultrafine particle number concentrations at address resolution in Denmark from 1979 to 2018 - Part 2:citations
- 2021Long-term residential exposure to air pollution and Hodgkin lymphoma risk among adults in Denmarkcitations
- 2021Mortality and Morbidity Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low-Level PM2.5, BC, NO2, and O3: An Analysis of European Cohorts in the ELAPSE Project
- 2021Road and railway noise and risk for breast cancercitations
- 2021Kortlægning af trafikal luftforurening og virkemiddelkatalog for Frederiksberg Kommune
- 2021Road and railway noise and risk for breast cancer:A nationwide study covering Denmarkcitations
- 2021Road and railway noise and risk for breast cancer:A nationwide study covering Denmarkcitations
- 2021Luften på din vej 2.0
- 2021Long-term exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise and heart failure incidence: the Danish Nurse Cohort. Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA).citations
- 2021Long-term exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise and heart failure incidence: the Danish Nurse Cohort. Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA).citations
- 2021Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk for type 2 diabetes in a nationwide cohort study from denmarkcitations
- 2021Reduktionspotentialer for luftforurening fra national søfart i Danmark ved retrofit af SCR og partikelfiltre
- 2021Long-term air pollution and road traffic noise exposure and COPD:citations
- 2021Projections of shipping emissions and the related impact on air pollution and human health in the Nordic regioncitations
- 2021Long-term low-level ambient air pollution exposure and risk of lung cancercitations
- 2021Outdoor light at night and breast cancer incidence in the Danish Nurse Cohortcitations
- 2021Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particle Elemental Components and Natural and Cause-Specific Mortality—a Pooled Analysis of Eight European Cohorts within the ELAPSE Projectcitations
- 2021Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and road traffic noise and asthma incidence in adults:The Danish Nurse cohortcitations
- 2021Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution, Road Traffic Noise, and Heart Failure Incidence:The Danish Nurse Cohortcitations
- 2021Modeling multi-level survival data in multi-center epidemiological cohort studiescitations
- 2021Transportation noise and risk of stroke:a nationwide prospective cohort study covering Denmarkcitations
- 2021Long-term exposure to low-level ambient air pollution and incidence of stroke and coronary heart diseasecitations
- 2021Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incident myocardial infarctioncitations
- 2021Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and road traffic noise and asthma incidence in adultscitations
- 2021Relation between Accumulated Air Pollution Exposure and Sub-Clinical Cardiovascular Disease in 33,723 Danish 60-74-Year-Old Males from the Background Population (AIR-CARD)citations
- 2021Transportation noise and risk of stroke: a nationwide prospective cohort study covering Denmarkcitations
- 2021Telomere length in newborns is associated with exposure to low levels of air pollution during pregnancycitations
- 2020Long‐termexposure to air pollution and risk of non‐Hodgkinlymphoma in Denmark: A population‐based case–control studycitations
- 2020Long-term exposure to air pollution and stroke incidencecitations
- 2020Components of particulate matter air-pollution and brain tumorscitations
- 2020Long-term exposure to low levels of air pollution and mortality adjusting for road traffic noisecitations
- 2020Long-term exposure to air pollution and road traffic noise and asthma incidence: the Danish Nurse Cohort
- 2020Coronakrisens effekt på omfanget af helbredseffekter relateret til luftforurening fra vejtrafik
- 2020Intracranial tumors of the central nervous system and air pollution – a nationwide case-control study from Denmarkcitations
- 2020Relationship of leukaemias with long-term ambient air pollution exposures in the adult Danish populationcitations
- 2020Air pollution exposure at the residence and risk of childhood cancers in Denmark: A nationwide register-based case-control studycitations
- 2020Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Incidence of Myocardial Infarctioncitations
- 2020Road traffic noise exposure and filled prescriptions for antihypertensive medication:A danish cohort studycitations
- 2020Luftkvalitet 2019. Status for den nationale luftkvalitetsovervågning
- 2020Luftforurening og sundhed
- 2020Residential Exposure to PM2.5 Components and Risk of Childhood Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Denmark: A Nationwide Register-Based Case-Control Studycitations
- 2020Long-term residential road traffic noise and mortality in a Danish cohortcitations
- 2020Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and all-cause and cause-specific mortality
- 2020Virkemiddelkatalog for begrænsning af luftforurening i Frederiksberg Kommune
- 2020Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and its constituents and risk of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Denmark: A population-based case–control studycitations
- 2020Long-term exposure to Low Concentrations to PM2.5 and Mortality: A Danish Nurse Cohort Study
- 2020Road Traffic Noise Exposure and Filled Prescriptions for Antihypertensive Medication:A Danish Cohort Studycitations
- 2020Kortlægning af luftforureningen i Frederiksberg Kommune
- 2020Kortlægning af luftforurening og dens helbredseffekter i Odense Kommune
- 2020Virkemiddelkatalog for begrænsning af luftforurening i Odense Kommune
- 2020The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme
- 2019Development and performance evaluation of new AirGIS – A GIS based air pollution and human exposure modelling systemcitations
- 2019Modelling of particle number concentrations for exposure estimates at regional and street levels in Denmark
- 2019Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise on Redemption of Sleep Medication and Antidepressants: A Nationwide Cohort Studycitations
- 2019Helbredseffekter og eksterne omkostninger af emissioner fra halmfyr
- 2019Modelling ultrafine particle concentrations
- 2019Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise and Risk for Myocardial Infarction and Stroke: A Nationwide Cohort Studycitations
- 2019Konsekvenser for emissioner og luftkvalitet af tiltag på transportområdet i Regeringens klima- og luftudspil
- 2019Long-term residential exposure to PM2.5, PM10, black carbon, NO2, and ozone and mortality in a Danish cohortcitations
- 2019Evaluation of the Urban Background Model (UBM) and AERMOD for Mumbai Citycitations
- 2019Luftforurening - forskning for forebyggelse
- 2019Micro-scale modelling of the urban wind speed for air pollution applicationscitations
- 2019Udvikling i luftkvalitet og helbredseffekter for 2020 og 2030 i relation til Nationalt program for reduktion af luftforurening (NAPCP)
- 2019Udvikling i luftkvalitet for 2030 i relation til Nationalt program for reduktion af luftforurening (NAPCP) - Effekter af udvalgte initiativer i regeringens klima- og luftudspil
- 2018Evaluation of the Danish AirGIS air pollution modelling system against measured concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, and black carboncitations
- 2018Long-term exposure to wind turbine noise and redemption of antihypertensive medication: A nationwide cohort studycitations
- 2018Air Pollutant Trends over Denmark over the Last 37 Years as Simulated by the Integrated THOR Model Systemcitations
- 2018Validation of the AirGIS Exposure Modelling System at Different Time Scales (Part II of the spatial and temporal validation of recently updated AirGIS)
- 2018Short-term nighttime wind turbine noise and cardiovascular events: A nationwide case-crossover study from Denmarkcitations
- 2018Pregnancy exposure to wind turbine noise and adverse birth outcomescitations
- 2018Health Effects of Air Pollution Components, Noise, and Socioeconomic Status ("HERMES")
- 2018The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme
- 2018Kortlægning af og virkemiddelkatalog for luftforurening fra trafik i Region Hovedstaden. Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet
- 2017High resolution multi-scale air quality modelling for all streets in Denmarkcitations
- 2017Assessment of human air pollution exposure - results and perspectives in Danish studies
- 2017Den miljø- og sundhedsmæssige betydning af snyd med lastbilers luftrensning
- 2017Evaluation of the AirGIS dispersion modelling system against measured data on PM2.5 and PM10 from two separate measurement campaigns in Denmark
- 2017High resolution modelling of Elemental Carbon for Denmark
- 2017Luftforureningsflygtninge og grøn omstilling i Kina
- 2017Helbredseffekter og relaterede eksterne omkostninger af luftforurening i Aarhus Kommune
- 2017Health costs and economic impact of wind assisted ship propulsioncitations
- 2017Luften på din vej – nyt digitalt Danmarkskort for luftkvalitet
- 2017Towards AIRGIS Re-development – A GIS based air pollution and human exposure modelling system.
- 2017Human exposure to carcinogens in ambient air in Denmark, Finland and Swedencitations
- 2017The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programm
- 2017Kildeopgørelse, helbredseffekter og eksterne omkostninger af luftforurening i København
- 2016Risk of Air Pollution in Relation to Cancer in the Nordic Countries
- 2016Modelling NOx and NO2 in two street canyons in Copenhagen using an improved version of OSPM
- 2016Modelling of Air Quality along State Roads in Denmark
- 2016Kortlægning af luftkvalitet langs motor- og landeveje i Danmark
- 2016AirStreet Map – High Resolution Multi-scale Air Quality Modeling for All Addresses in Denmarkcitations
- 2016Helbredseffekter og eksterne omkostninger fra luftforurening i Danmark over 37 år (1979-2015)
- 2016The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme.
- 2016High-Resolution Modelling of Health Impacts and Related External Cost from Air Pollution Using the Integrated Model System EVA
- 2016Hvordan er luftkvaliteten langs statsvejene?
- 2016Air pollutant trends over Denmark over the last 36 years as simulated by the integrated THOR model system
- 2016Evaluation of the high resolution DEHM/UBM model system over Denmark and assessment of trends in air pollution levels over 36 years
- 2016Helbredseffekter og helbredsomkostninger fra emissionssektorer i Danmark
- 2016MODELLING NOX AND NO2in two street canyons in copenhagen using an improved version of ospm
- 2016High-resolution modelling of health impacts and related external cost from air pollution over 36 years using the integrated model system EVA
- 2016Flow and dispersion modelling study at one of Denmarks traffic hot-spots
- 2016An update on mortality in Denmark caused by fine particulate matter air pollution
- 2016Luften på din vej
- 2016A parameter estimation and identifiability analysis methodology applied to a street canyon air pollution modelcitations
- 2016Detailed investigation of traffic pollution dispersion near Denmark’s NO2 hot-spot
- 2015Asessing the air pollution distribution in busy street of Copenhagen in the further development of a street pollution model
- 2015High-Resolution Modelling of Health Impacts from Air Pollution for Denmark using the Integrated Model System EVA
- 2015Kortlægning af luftkvalitet langs motor- og landeveje i Danmark
- 2015Kortlægning af luftkvalitet langs motor- og landeveje i Danmark
- 2015High-resolution modelling of health impacts and related external cost from air pollution using the integrated model system EVA
- 2015The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme.
- 2015Analysis of the impact of inhomogeneous emissions in a semi-parameterized street canyon modelcitations
- 2015Evaluation of the high resolution DEHM/UBM model system over Denmark
- 2015Integration of measurements and modelling in the Danish air quality monitoring program
- 2015Air Quality at Your Street
- 2015Brændeovnes bidrag til luftforurening i København
- 2015Helbredseffekter af grænseoverskridende luftforurening til og fra Danmark
- 2015The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme
- 2015Hvad er effekten af ren-luftzoner for luftforureningen i København?
- 2015High-resolution modelling of health impacts and related external cost from air pollution using the integrated model system EVA.
- 2015Руководство по Thor-AirPAS
- 2014Air Quality at Your Street
- 2014Validation of newest developments within OSPM
- 2014Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries
- 2014High-resolution modelling of health impacts from air pollution using the integrated model system EVA
- 2014Manual for THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system
- 2014Interactive website for air quality at address level in Denmark
- 2014Experiences fom the application of a parameter estimation and identifiability analysis methodology to the operational street pollution model (OSPM)
- 2014LEZ scenarios to improve AQ in Copenhagen
- 2014Validation of newest Developments in OSPM
- 2014Partikelforurening og helbredseffekter i Roskilde Kommune
- 2014Luften på din vej
- 2014Undersøgelse af de forøgede koncentrationer af NO2 på H.C. Andersens Boulevard
- 2014Ren-luftzone i København og sparede eksterne omkostninger ved sundhedsskadelig luftforurening
- 2013Sundhedseffekter og relaterede eksterne omkostninger af luftforurening i København
- 2013Status for luftkvalitet i Danmark i relation til EU’s luftkvalitetsdirektiv
- 2013Miljøeffekt af ren-luftzoner i København
- 2013Kildebidrag til sundhedsskadelig luftforurening i København
- 2013Luftforurening fra mobile ikke-vejgående maskiner i byområder
- 2013The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme
- 2013Air quality in Danish Cities with focus on NC2 and particles
- 2013Hvad er effekten af ren-luftzoner for luftforureningen og eksterne omkostninger i København?
- 2012Air Quality Modelling in Streets and Assessment of Policy Options in Copenhagen
- 2012The Danish Air Quality Montoring Programme
- 2012Hvordan påvirkes luftkvaliteten af brug af biobrændstoffer i vejtransportsektoren? Trafik og Veje.
- 2012Evaluation of the Street Pollution Model OSPM for Measurements at 12 Streets Stations Using a Newly Developed and Freely Available Evaluation Toolcitations
- 2012Luftkvalitetsvurdering af ren-luftzone i København
- 2012Hvad er effekten for luftkvaliteten af brug af biobrændstoffer i vejtransportsektoren?
- 2012Luftforurening fra biltrafikken i Hovedstadsområdet
- 2011The Danish Air Quality Montoring Programme
- 2011NO2 forureningen i Danmark og EU’s grænseværdier
- 2011Betalingsring og miljø/sundhed - med vægt på luftforurening
- 2011Dynamical parameter estimation for a street-canyon air pollution model
- 2011Regional Air Quality Assessment of Biofuel Scenarios in the Road Transport Sector
- 2011Air Pollution - Integrated monitoring and assessment of impacts on health and nature
- 2010Impacts of Large-Scale Introduction of Hydrogen in the Road Transport Sector on Urban Air Pollution and Human Exposure in Copenhagen
- 2010The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme. Annual Summary for 2009
- 2009Integrated Air Quality Monitoring - the combined use of measurements and model calculations
- 2008Evaluation of exposure factors applied in marginal external cost analysis of transportation related air pollutioncitations
- 2008Evaluation of Exposure Factors for Estimation of Marginal External Costs of Traffic-related Air Pollution
- 2008The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme
- 2008A Non-linear Eulerian Approach for Assessment of Health-cost Externalities of Air Pollution
- 2007The Danish Air Quality Monitoring Programme, 2007
- 2007Modellering af udsættelse for luftforurening
- 2007External Effects from Power Production and the Treatment of Wind Energy (and other Renewables) in the Danish Energy Taxation System
- 2006Environmental and Health Impact Assessment of Scenarios for Renewable Energy Systems with Hydrogen (HYSCENE)
- 2006EVA – a non-linear Eulerian approach for assessment of health-cost externalities of air pollution
- 2005Integrated air pollution monitoring - Combining measurements and model calculations
- 2005THOR – an operational and integrated model system for air pollution forecasting and management from global to local scale
- 2005Valuation of External Costs of Air Pollution
- 2004Evaluation of modelling results for urban areas in terms of application for air pollution management
- 2004ExternE transport methodology for external cost evaluation of air pollution
- 2004Analyse af forhøjet NO2 niveau i København og prognose for 2010
- 2002Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Danish Cities
- 2002Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Danish Cities
- 2002Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Danish Cities
- 2001Operational Air Pollution Forecasts from Regional Scale to Urban Street Scale
- 2001Air Pollution Forecasting from Regional to Urban Street Scale - Validation and Comparison of Two Cities in Denmark
- 2001Integration of Regional, Urban Background and Street Canyon Models for Operational Air Pollution Forecasting
- 2001Modelling Concentrations of and Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Danish Cities
- 2000The DMU-ATMI THOR Air Pollution Forecast System
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |