380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Otte, Dietmar
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (112/112 displayed)
- 2020Accident typology comparisons between pedelecs and conventional bicyclescitations
- 2020Abiding by the law when it does not exist: The case of the helmet bicycle lawcitations
- 2019Verletzungsschwere und Verletzungsmuster: Drei Studien zu Unfallfolgen im Straßenverkehr
- 2019Psychosocial factors associated with helmet use by adult cyclistscitations
- 2019Residual injury situation and accident characteristics of severe motorcycle accidents
- 2018Serious injuries in the traffic accident situation: definition, importance and orientation for countermeasures based on a representative sample of in-depth-accident-cases in Germanycitations
- 2018Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factorscitations
- 2018Why women do not use the helmet when riding a bicycle
- 2018Estimation of Injury Risk of the Cervical Spine of Car Occupants after Emergency Brakingcitations
- 2018Physical, psychological and economic burden of two-wheel users after a road traffic injury: Evidence from intensive care units of three EU countriescitations
- 2017Psychological distress and physical disability in patients sustaining severe injuries in road traffic crashes: Results from a one-year cohort study from three European countriescitations
- 2017Hospitalization costs and estimates of direct and indirect economic losses due to injury sustained in road traffic crashes: Results from a one-year cohort study in three European countries (The REHABILAID project)citations
- 2017Spine injuries in vulnerable road users - a technical and medical analysis of 14295 injured pedestrians, bicycle and motorbike users
- 2017Pedestrian-ground contact injuries observed from German in-depth accident data
- 2017Road accidents involving bicycles: configurations and injuriescitations
- 2017Hospitalization costs due to road traffic injuries: Results from a 1-year longterm study in 3 European countries Germany, Greece and Italy (REHABIL-AID)
- 2017Editorial for special issue – ‘Improving cyclist safety through scientific research’citations
- 2016Investigations and injury mechanisms of aortic ruptures among vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users over time
- 2016The New Approach of In-Depth-Accident-Investigation based on the Methodology for Traffic Accident Database on Scenarios TADScitations
- 2016Effectiveness of bicycle safety helmets in preventing facial injuries in road accidentscitations
- 2016Injury severity of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists resulting from crashes with reversing carscitations
- 2015Medikamente, Drogen und Alkohol bei verkehrsunfallverletzten Fahrern ; The effects of medications, drugs and alcohol on drivers involved in road traffic accidents
- 2015Investigation of bicycle accidents involving collisions with the opening door of parking vehicles and demands for a suitable driver assistance system
- 2015Pre-crash analysis of accidents involving turning trucks and bicyclists
- 2015Injury severity resulting from accidents with reversing cars
- 2015Erhebungen am Unfallort
- 2015Bedeutung, Besonderheiten und Rekonstruktionen der Mehrfachkollisionen von Personenkraftwagen : Auswertung von Erhebungen am Unfallort
- 201530 Jahre wissenschaftliche Erhebungen am Unfallort für mehr Verkehrssicherheit ; 30 years in-depth accident studies for improving traffic safety
- 2015Accident Characteristics and Influence Parameters of Severe Motorcycle Accidents in Germanycitations
- 2015Wrap Around Distance WAD of Pedestrian and Bicyclists and Relevance as Influence Parameter for Head Injuriescitations
- 2014Incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder after traffic accidents in Germany.citations
- 2014Influences on the Risk of Injury of Bicyclists' Heads and Benefits of Bicycle Helmets in Terms of Injury Avoidance and Reduction of Injury Severitycitations
- 2014Vertebral fractures in motor vehicle accidents-a medical and technical analysis of 33,015 injured front-seat occupantscitations
- 2014Alcohol consumption, helmet use and head trauma in cycling collisions in Germanycitations
- 2014Development of head injury risk functions based on real-world accident reconstructioncitations
- 2013Spine injuries in motor vehicle accidents - an analysis of 34188 injured front passengers with special consideration of injuries of the thoracolumbar spine in relation to injury mechanisms
- 2013A Study of Adult Pedestrian Head Impact Conditions and Injury Risks in Passenger Car Collisions Based on Real-World Accident Datacitations
- 2013Accident configurations and injuries for bicyclists based on German In-Depth-Accident Study
- 2013Specific features of accidents caused by elderly traffic participants
- 2013Mechanisms of motor vehicle crashes related to burns - An analysis of the German in Depth Accident Study (GIDAS) databasecitations
- 2013Bicyclist-Bicyclist Crashes-A Medical and Technical Crash Analysiscitations
- 2013Development of the accident investigation and data handling methodology in the GIDAS project
- 2012A study of kinematics of adult pedestrian and head impact conditions in case of passenger car collisions based on real world accident data
- 2012Alcohol intoxication in road traffic accidents leads to higher impact speed difference, higher ISS and MAIS, and higher preclinical mortalitycitations
- 2012Fatal traffic accidents in Lower Saxony : new approach to accident sampling and analysis of accident causes and configurations
- 2012Bicyclist : bicyclist crashes ; a medical and technical crash analysis
- 2012Analysis of causes of accidents with vulnerable road users with the ACASS system, using GIDAS case examples
- 2012Current situation of child occupant safety in German accidents
- 2012The current injury situation of bicyclists : a medical and technical accident analysis
- 2012Possibilities of in-depth investigation methodology for injury and accident prevention on the example of car accidents with rollover : an in-depth analysis by GIDAS
- 2012Injury patterns of seniors in traffic accidents: A technical and medical analysiscitations
- 2012Injury situation of novice drivers in road traffic : a medical and technical analysis
- 2012A European fatal crash database
- 2012A European perspective of in-depth data sampling on cognitive aspects of motorcycle helmets within COST 357
- 2012Injury protection and accident causation parameters for vulnerable road users based on German In-Depth Accident Study GIDAScitations
- 2012Injury Rates for Older and Younger Belted Drivers in Traffic Accidentscitations
- 2012Prevention of road accidents involving non-motorized traffic participants (pedestrians and cyclists) in Germany,Prävention von verkehrsunfällen äußerer verkehrsteilnehmer (fußgänger und fahrradfahrer) in Deutschlandcitations
- 2012PENDANT: a European crash injury database
- 2012A medical and technical analysis of knee injuries focusing vulnerable road users and restrained car drivers in road traffic
- 2012Sternal fractures occur most often in old cars to seat-belted drivers without any airbag often with concomitant spinal injuries : clinical findings and technical collision parameters among 42.055 crash victims
- 2012All terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents in Germany : a medical and technical analysis
- 2012Medizinische Folgen von Straßenverkehrsunfällen: Drei Datenquellen, drei Methoden, drei unterschiedliche Ergebnisse?
- 2011Analysis of fuel cell vehicles equipped with compressed hydrogen storage systems from a road accident safety perspectivecitations
- 2011Untersuchung von Verkehrssicherheitsaspekten durch die Verwendung asphärischer Außenspiegel ; Investigations of traffic-safety aspects associated with a use of aspherical external mirrors
- 2010The Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). Options and problems in application,Die Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS): Potenzial und probleme bei der anwendungcitations
- 2010The development of a European fatal accident databasecitations
- 2010Effectiveness of the helmet for bicyclists on injury reduction in German road accident situations - State of affairs on GIDAScitations
- 2010Quad driving life-endangering fun? A medical and technical analysis,Quad-Fahren ein lebensgefährlicher Spaß? Eine medizinische und technische Unfallanalysecitations
- 2009Improving the safety of pedestrians by using a cooperative systemcitations
- 2009Car to car struck side impacts- A comparison between European accident data and directive 96/27/EC
- 2009Retraction notice to "Sternal fractures are frequent among polytraumatised patients following high deceleration velocities in a severe vehicle crash" [Injury 39 (2008) 36-43] (DOI:10.1016/j.injury.2007.07.007)
- 2008Knee injuries in restrained car drivers in german road traffic accidentscitations
- 2008Injury situation of novice drivers in road traffic - A medical and technical analysis,Verletzungssituation von fahranfängern im straßenverkehr - Eine medizinische und technische unfallanalysecitations
- 2008Characteristics of pole impacts to side of passenger cars in European traffic accidents and assessment of injury mechanisms--analysis of German and UK in-depth data.
- 2008Characteristics of Pole Impacts to Side of Passenger Cars in European Traffic Accidents and Assessment of Injury Mechanisms - Analysis of German and UK In-Depth Datacitations
- 2008Sternal fractures are frequent among polytraumatised patients following high deceleration velocities in a severe vehicle crashcitations
- 2008Trauma and accident documentation in Germany compared with elsewhere in Europe,Trauma- und unfalldokumentation in Deutschland. Eine standortbestimmung im Europäischen vergleichcitations
- 2008Editorial
- 2007The current injury situation of bicyclists - A medical and technical crash analysiscitations
- 2007Characteristics on fractures of Tibia and Fibula in car impacts to pedestrians - Influences of car bumper height and shape
- 2007Characteristics on fractures of Tibia and Fibula in car impacts to pedestrians and bicyclists - Influences of car bumper height and shape
- 2007Effectiveness of side-airbags for front struckside belted car occupants in lateral impact conditions - An in-depth-analysis by GIDAScitations
- 2007Motor vehicle accidents with entrapment. A medical and technical investigation of crash mechanism, injury pattern and severity of entrapment of motor vehicle occupants between 1983 and 2003,"Einklemmungstrauma" im straßenverkehr. Unfallanalyse, verletzungsschwere und -verteilung eingeklemmter PKW- und LKW-insassen der jahre 1983-2003citations
- 2006Knee injuries of vulnerable road users in road traffic,Kniegelenkverletzungen des ungeschützten verkehrsteilnehmers im straßenverkehrcitations
- 2006Technical parameters and mechanisms for knee joint injuries to belted car drivers in road traffic accidents
- 2006Incidence and injury mechanisms of tibia head fractures among pedestrians
- 2006Technical parameters for determination of impact speed for motorcycle accidents and the importance of relative speed on injury severitycitations
- 2006Sternal Fractures Occur Most Often in Old Cars to Seat-Belted Drivers Without Any Airbag Often With Concomitant Spinal Injuries: Clinical Findings and Technical Collision Variables Among 42,055 Crash Victimscitations
- 2006The development of a multidisciplinary system to understand causal factors in road crashes
- 20053-D laser systems for scaled accident sketches and documentation of traces after traffic accidents as basis of biomechanical analysis
- 2005Kinematics and injury pattern in rollover accidents of cars in German road traffic - An in-depth-analysis by GIDAScitations
- 2005Technical parameters and mechanisms for the injury risk of the knee joint of vulnerable road users impacted by cars in road traffic accidents
- 2005Improvements in passive car safety led to decreased injury severity - A comparison between the 1970s and 1990scitations
- 2005The current status of road user injuries among the elderly in Germany: A medical and technical accident analysiscitations
- 2004Use of throw distances of pedestrians and bicyclists as part of a scientific accident reconstruction methodcitations
- 2004Correlation of clinical findings, collision parameters, and psychological factors in the outcome of whiplash associated disorderscitations
- 2003Car-related measures for pedestrian head protection - A comprehensive approach,Fahrzeugseitige Maßnahmen zum Schutz des Kopfes eines Fußgängers - Eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung
- 2003Changes in the injury pattern of polytraumatised patients over the last 30 years,Änderung des verletzungsmusters polytraumatisierter in den zurückliegenden 30 jahrencitations
- 2002Possibilities for load reductions using garment leg protectors for motorcyclists -- a technical, medical and biomechanical approach.
- 2002Possibilities and limitation for protective measures for injury reduction Of vulnerable road userscitations
- 2002Plantar impact causing midfoot fractures result in higher forces in Chopart's joint than in the ankle jointcitations
- 2001Majorities in the traffic accident situation of heavy good vehicles,Schwerpunkte des Unfallgeschehens von Nutzfahrzeugen
- 2001Injuries of the pelvic ring in road traffic accidents: A medical and technical analysiscitations
- 2001Foot fractures in restrained front seat car occupants: A long-term study over twenty-three yearscitations
- 2001Correlation between crash severity, injury severity, and clinical course in car occupants with thoracic trauma: A technical and medical studycitations
- 2001Head injury mechanisms in helmet-protected motorcyclists: prospective multicenter studycitations
- 2001Current situation of road traffic accidents in infants and adolescents: A medical and technical analysis,Problematik der verletzungen von kindern und jugendlichen im straßenverkehrcitations
- 2000Acceleration related injury of the cervical spine in restrained car drivers. Frequency, causes and long-term results,Beschleunigungsverletzung der HWS beim gurtgeschutzten PKW-fahrer: Haufigkeit, ursachen und langzeitergebnissecitations
- 2000Fractures of the upper extremity in restrained front seat occupants - Injury type and -frequency in dependence on the accident mechanism,Frakturen der oberen extremitat bei gurtgeschutzten PKW-frontinsassen - Verletzungsart und -haufigkeit in abhangigkeit vom unfallmechanismuscitations
- 2000Whiplash-type neck distortion in restrained car drivers: Frequency, causes and long-term resultscitations
- 2000Upper extremity fractures in restrained front-seat occupantscitations
- 2000Injuries of the pelvic girdle in road traffic accidents: A technical and medical analysis,Die entstehung von beckenringverletzungen im strassenverkehr. Eine medizinisch-technische unfallanalysecitations
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |