380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Farah, Haneen
Delft University of Technology
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (129/129 displayed)
- 2024eHMI on the Vehicle or on the Infrastructure?
- 2024The impact of the presence and utilization policy of a dedicated lane on drivers’ preference to use automation and driving behaviour on motorways
- 2024Modelling driver expectations for safe speeds on freeway curves using Bayesian belief networks
- 2023Effect of eHMI on pedestrian road crossing behavior in shared space with Automated Vehicles
- 2023Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment and the Implications on Traffic Safety and Efficiencycitations
- 2023Response times in drivers' gap acceptance decisions during overtakingcitations
- 2023“I did not see that coming”: A latent variable structural equation model for understanding the effect of road predictability on crashes along horizontal curvescitations
- 2023Safety Assessment of the Interaction Between an Automated Vehicle and a Cyclist: A Controlled Field Testcitations
- 2023Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection
- 2023Which visual cues do drivers use to anticipate and slow down in freeway curve approach? An eye-tracking, think-aloud on-road studycitations
- 2023Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practicecitations
- 2023Which Visual Cues do Drivers Use to Anticipate and Slow Down in Freeway Curve Approach? An Eye-Tracking and Think-Aloud On-road Study - Dataset
- 2023Influence of Behavioural Model Formulation on Surrogate Safety Measures in Traffic Microsimulation
- 2023Sequential Neural Network Model with Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism for Robust Lane Detection Using Multi Continuous Image Frames
- 2022Car-Following Properties of a Commercial Adaptive Cruise Control System: A Pilot Field Testcitations
- 2022Speed development at freeway curves based on high frequency floating car datacitations
- 2022Towards common ethical and safe ‘behaviour’ standards for automated vehiclescitations
- 2022How do the recognizability and driving styles of automated vehicles affect human drivers’ gap acceptance at T- Intersections?citations
- 2022Road users and their trajectory data & Conflicts for Spear Motors Junction, Kampala-Uganda
- 2022A hybrid spatial–temporal deep learning architecture for lane detectioncitations
- 2022A Hybrid Spatial-temporal Sequence-to-one Neural Network Model for Lane Detection
- 2022Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations : Aspects to Consider and State of the Practicecitations
- 2022Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practicecitations
- 2022Behavioral adaptations of human drivers interacting with automated vehiclescitations
- 2022Do cyclists need HMIs in future automated traffic?citations
- 2022Safety implications of higher levels of automated vehicles: a scoping reviewcitations
- 2021"Everything Somewhere" or "Something Everywhere": Examining the Implications of Automated Vehicles' Deployment Strategiescitations
- 2021How do dutch drivers perceive horizontal curves on freeway interchanges and which cues influence their speed choice?citations
- 2021Special issue articles on RSS 2017-AAP
- 2021An Empirical Analysis to Assess the Operational Design Domain of Lane Keeping System Equipped Vehicles Combining Objective and Subjective Risk Measurescitations
- 2021The impact of a dedicated lane for connected and automated vehicles on the behaviour of drivers of manual vehiclescitations
- 2021Special issue on road safety and simulation 2017
- 2021“Everything somewhere” or “something everywhere”: Examining the implications of automated vehicles’ deployment strategiescitations
- 2021Will pedestrians cross the road before an automated vehicle?citations
- 2021Do cyclists need HMIs in future automated traffic?
- 2021Evolution of Traffic Microsimulation and Its Use for Modeling Connected and Automated Vehiclescitations
- 2021Speed behaviour upon approaching freeway curvescitations
- 2020Impact of Automated Highway Autopilot on the Performance and Safety of Weaving Sections
- 2020Road Infrastructure Requirements for Improved Performance of Lane Assistance Systems
- 2020Design and operation of dedicated lanes for connected and automated vehicles on motorwayscitations
- 2020Operational Design Domain Requirements for Improved Performance of Lane Assistance Systemscitations
- 2020Are collision and crossing course surrogate safety indicators transferable? A probability based approach using extreme value theorycitations
- 2020Road safety of passing maneuvers: A bivariate extreme value theory approach under non-stationary conditionscitations
- 2020Cyclists’ Crossing Intentions When Interacting with Automated Vehicles: A Virtual Reality Studycitations
- 2020Impact of Automated Highway Autopilot on the Average Network Travel Times and Total Distance Travelled
- 2020Adaptations in driver behaviour characteristics during control transitions from full-range Adaptive Cruise Control to manual driving: an on-road studycitations
- 2020The Persuasive Automobile: Design and Evaluation of a Persuasive Lane-Specific Advice Human Machine Interfacecitations
- 2019How do drivers negotiate horizontal ramp curves in system interchanges in the Netherlands?citations
- 2019HeartPy: A novel heart rate algorithm for the analysis of noisy signalscitations
- 2019Human drivers behavioural adaptation when driving next to a platoon of automated vehicles on a dedicated lane and implications on ttraffic flow:a driving simulator and microscopic simulation study in the Netherlands
- 2019Can Automated Vehicles Improve Cyclist Safety in Urban Areas?citations
- 2019Intersection control type effect on automated vehicle operationcitations
- 2019A Conceptual Model for Persuasive In-Vehicle Technology to Influence Tactical Level Driver Behaviourcitations
- 2019Analysing Noisy Driver Physiology Real-Time Using Off-the-Shelf Sensors: Heart Rate Analysis Software from the Taking the Fast Lane Projectcitations
- 2019Modelling overtaking strategy and lateral distance in car-to-cyclist overtaking on rural roads: A driving simulator experimentcitations
- 2019Scenario-based infrastructure requirements for automated drivingcitations
- 2018Driving behaviour at motorway ramps and weaving segments based on empirical trajectory datacitations
- 2018Multi-Level Driver Workload Prediction using Machine Learning and Off-the-Shelf Sensorscitations
- 2018Continuous-discrete choices of control transitions and speed regulations in full-range adaptive cruise control
- 2018Heart Rate Analysis for Human Factors: Development and Validation of an Open Source Toolkit for Noisy Naturalistic Heart Rate Data
- 2018Multi-Level Driver Workload Prediction Using Machine Learning and Off-The-Shelf Sensors
- 2018Special issue on simulation of traffic safety in the era of advances in technologiescitations
- 2018Interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles: A Wizard of Oz experimentcitations
- 2018Behaviour of cyclists and pedestrians near right angled, sloped and levelled kerb typescitations
- 2018Macroscopic traffic flow changes around rampscitations
- 2018WEpod WElly in Delft
- 2018Modelling decisions of control transitions and target speed regulations in full-range Adaptive Cruise Control based on Risk Allostasis Theorycitations
- 2018Behaviour of cyclists and pedestrians near right angled, sloped and levelled kerb types: Do risks associated to height differences of kerbs weigh up against other factors?
- 2017The Use of Persuasive In-Car Technology to Persuade Drivers at the Tactical Level
- 2017Towards Real-Time, Nonintrusive Estimation of Driver Workload in a Simulated Environment
- 2017Resuming manual control or not? Modeling choices of control transitions in full-range adaptive cruise controlcitations
- 2017Comparative assessment of safety indicators for vehicle trajectories on highwayscitations
- 2017On Developing a Driver Identification Methodology Using In-Vehicle Data Recorderscitations
- 2017Resuming manual control or not?
- 2017Resuming manual control or not?
- 2017Empirical speed behavior on horizontal ramp curves in interchanges in the Netherlandscitations
- 2017Safety analysis of passing maneuvers using extreme value theorycitations
- 2017Effect of passing zone length on operation and safety of two-lane rural highways in Ugandacitations
- 2017The effect of positive and negative emotions on young drivers: A simulator studycitations
- 2017Infrastructure for Automated and Connected Drivingcitations
- 2017Interactions between vulnerable road users and automated vehicles: A synthesis of literature and framework for future research
- 2017Wat we al weten over de infrastructuur voor zelfrijden
- 2017Comparative assessment of safety indicators for vehicle trajectories on the highway
- 2017Comparative assessment of safety indicators for vehicle trajectories on the highway
- 2016A model and its applications for predicting passing rate at passing zones on two-lane rural highwayscitations
- 2016Critical assessment of methodologies for operations and safety evaluations of freeway turbulencecitations
- 2016Passing behavior on two-lane roads in real and simulated environmentscitations
- 2016Empirical car-following and lane-changing driving behaviour in case of authority transitions between adaptive cruise control and manual driving
- 2016Empirical car-following and lane-changing driving behaviour in case of authority transitions between adaptive cruise control and manual driving
- 2016Advanced Driver Assistence Systems (ADAS) in rijopleiding en rijexamen
- 2016A crash prediction model for weaving sections in the Netherlands
- 2016Impact of distracting activities and drivers’ cognitive failures on driving performance
- 2016Risk appraisal of passing zones on two-lane rural highways and policy applicationscitations
- 2016When do drivers abort an overtaking maneuver on two-lane rural roadscitations
- 2016Safety of pedestrians and cyclists when interacting with self-driving vehicles
- 2016Passing behavior on two-lane roads in a real and in a simulated environment
- 2015Impact of distracting activities and drivers' cognitive failures on driving performance
- 2015Using Extreme Value Theory for the Prediction of Head-On Collisions during Passing Maneuvrescitations
- 2015Driving behaviour in case of authority transitions between Adaptive Cruise Control and manual driving
- 2015Driving exposure of Israeli young male drivers within a graduated driver licensing system
- 2015Safety analysis of passing maneuvers using extreme value theory
- 2015Driving behaviour in case of authority transitions between Adaptive Cruise Control and manual driving
- 2015Effects of parental vigilant care and feedback on novice driver riskcitations
- 2015Effects of automated driving on traffic flow efficiency: challenges and recent developments
- 2015Effects of automated driving on traffic flow efficiency: challenges and recent developments
- 2015A multi-faceted approach for assessing the safety of Israeli Arab children in their travel to and from school
- 2015Transport and Planning at Delft University of Technology. By Cristina Olaverri
- 2014Can providing feedback on driving behavior and training on parental vigilant care affect male teen drivers and their parents?citations
- 2014Do cooperative systems make drivers' car-following behavior safer?citations
- 2014Simulation-based evaluation of I2V systems' impact on traffic performance: Case study - COOPERScitations
- 2014Data collection techniques
- 2014Data collection techniques
- 2014Driving exposure of Israeli young male drivers within a graduated driver licensing systemcitations
- 2014The contribution of parents' driving behavior, family climate for road safety, and parent-targeted intervention to young male driving behaviorcitations
- 2013Modeling drivers' passing duration and distance in a virtual environmentcitations
- 2012The first year of drivingcitations
- 2012Evaluation of the effect of cooperative infrastructure-to-vehicle systems on driver behaviorcitations
- 2012Latent class model for car following behaviorcitations
- 2012Drivers' Irrationality in Evaluating Risks on Two-Lane Highwayscitations
- 2011Alternative definitions of passing critical gapscitations
- 2011Age and gender differences in overtaking maneuvers on two-lane rural highwayscitations
- 2010Passing behavior on two-lane highwayscitations
- 2009A passing gap acceptance model for two-lane rural highwayscitations
- 2009Risk evaluation by modeling of passing behavior on two-lane rural highwayscitations
- 2008Association of risk proneness in overtaking maneuvers with impaired decision makingcitations
- 2008Further evaluation of the relationship between enhanced consistency model and safety of two-lane rural roads in Israel and Germany
- 2007Multivariate analyses for infrastructure-based crash-prediction models for rural highways
- 2007Study of passing gap acceptance behavior using a driving simulator
- 2005Impact of infrastructure characteristics on road crashes on two-lane highwayscitations
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |