380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Schadschneider, Andreas
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (155/155 displayed)
- 2024Mirror symmetry breakdown in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class
- 2024Dimensionless numbers reveal distinct regimes in the structure and dynamics of pedestrian crowdscitations
- 2024Simulation of Downhill Skiing Areas
- 2024Structure of road networks and the shape of the macroscopic fundamental diagramcitations
- 2024Physical models of traffic safety at crossing streams
- 2022An attempt to distinguish physical and socio-psychological influences on pedestrian bottleneckcitations
- 2021The effect of modern traffic information on Braess' paradox
- 2020Stop-and-go waves induced by correlated noise in pedestrian models without inertiacitations
- 2020Prediction of pedestrian dynamics in complex architectures with artificial neural networkscitations
- 2019Prediction of Pedestrian Speed with Artificial Neural Networkscitations
- 2019A glossary for research on human crowd dynamicscitations
- 2019Technical realisation of a remote-controlled forced mechanic oscillation experiment through the Internetcitations
- 2019Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality of the Nagel-Schreckenberg modelcitations
- 2018Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Flow from Data to Models
- 2018Modelling of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamicscitations
- 2018Special Issue on Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Flow from Data to Modelscitations
- 2018Empirical Results of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamicscitations
- 2018Prediction of pedestrian speed with artificial neural networks
- 2018Pedestrian Dynamics: From Empirical Results to Modelingcitations
- 2017Influence of the number of predecessors in interaction within acceleration-based flow modelscitations
- 2016Braess paradox in a network of totally asymmetric exclusion processes
- 2016A stochastic optimal velocity model for pedestrian flowcitations
- 2016Inflow Process of Pedestrians to a Confined Spacecitations
- 2016White and relaxed noises in optimal velocity models for pedestrian flow with stop-and-go wavescitations
- 2016Influences of Extraction Techniques on the Quality of Measured Quantities of Pedestrian Characteristics
- 2016Preface
- 2016Congestion Dynamics in Pedestrian Single-File Motioncitations
- 2015Effective ergodicity breaking in an exclusion process with varying system lengthcitations
- 2015Fibonacci family of dynamical universality classescitations
- 2015Jamming transitions in force-based models for pedestrian dynamicscitations
- 2015Exclusive queueing processes and their application to traffic systemscitations
- 2015Traffic and Granular Flow '13citations
- 2015Diffusion with resetting in bounded domainscitations
- 2015Defect-induced phase transition in the asymmetric simple exclusion processcitations
- 2015Universalities in Fundamental Diagrams of Cars, Bicycles, and Pedestrians
- 2014Stochastic headway dependent velocity model for 1d pedestrian dynamics at high densitiescitations
- 2014Simulation of merging pedestrian streams at t-junctionscitations
- 2014Empirical Fundamental Diagrams for Bidirectional Pedestrian Streams in a Corridorcitations
- 2014Hermes: An Evacuation Assistant for Large Arenascitations
- 2014The dynamics of waiting: The exclusive queueing processcitations
- 2014Universal flow-density relation of single-file bicycle, pedestrian and car motioncitations
- 2014Cellular automaton approach to arching in two-dimensional granular mediacitations
- 2014Study of influence of groups on evacuation dynamics using a cellular automaton modelcitations
- 2014Quantitative Validation of the Generalized Centrifugal Force Modelcitations
- 2014Universalities in fundamental diagrams of cars, bicycles and pedestrians
- 2014Critical bottleneck size for jamless particle flows in two dimensionscitations
- 2013Stationary state properties of a microscopic traffic flow model mixing stochastic transport and car-following
- 2013Comparative Analysis of Pedestrian, Bicycle and Car Traffic Moving in Circuitscitations
- 2013Modeling the desired direction in a force-based model for pedestrian dynamicscitations
- 2013HERMES: An evacuation assistant for large sports arenas based on microscopic simulations of pedestrian dynamicscitations
- 2013SPECIAL ISSUE Application of Cellular Automata to Crowds and Traffic Dynamics
- 2013Critical behavior of the exclusive queueing processcitations
- 2013A cellular automaton approach for lane formation in pedestrian counterflow
- 2013A simple model for phase separation in pedestrian dynamics
- 2013Preface
- 2013On Force-Based Modeling of Pedestrian Dynamics
- 2013Editorial
- 2013Editorial
- 2012Quantitative analysis of pedestrian counterflow in a cellular automaton modelcitations
- 2012Empirical study of turning and merging of pedestrian streams in T-junction
- 2012Efficient and validated simulation of crowds for an evacuation assistantcitations
- 2012Density profiles of the exclusive queuing processcitations
- 2012Ordering in bidirectional pedestrian flows and its influence on the fundamental diagramcitations
- 2011Transitions in pedestrian fundamental diagrams of straight corridors and T-junctionscitations
- 2011Dynamical analysis of the exclusive queueing processcitations
- 2011Empirical study of turning and merging of pedestrian streams in T-junction
- 2011Stochastic Transport in Complex Systems
- 2011Exact dynamical state of the exclusive queueing process with deterministic hoppingcitations
- 2010Generalized Centrifugal Force Model for Pedestrian Dynamics
- 2010CA modeling of ant-traffic on trails
- 2010Productivity enhancement through lot size optimizationcitations
- 2010I'm a football fan... get me out of here
- 2010Empirical results for pedestrian dynamics and their implications for cellular automata models
- 2009Statistical properties of disordered driven lattice gases with open boundaries
- 2009Cellular automaton approach to highway traffic: What do we know?
- 2009Traffic flow on ant trails: Empirical results vs. theoretical predictions
- 2009Empirical Results for Pedestrian Dynamics and their Implications for Cellular Automata Modelscitations
- 2009A public conveyance model and analysis on clustering of vehicles
- 2009An Experimental Study of Pedestrian Congestions: Influence of Bottleneck Width and Length
- 2009Quantitative Verification of a Force-based Model for Pedestrian Dynamics
- 2009Trafficlike collective movement of ants on trails: Absence of a jammed phasecitations
- 2009Disordered driven lattice gases with boundary reservoirs and Langmuir kineticscitations
- 2009Quantitative Description of Pedestrian Dynamics with a Force based Modelcitations
- 2008Quantum corner - Transfer matrix DMRGcitations
- 2008Evacuation Dynamics: Empirical Results, Modeling and Applicationscitations
- 2008Phase diagram and edge effects in the ASEP with bottleneckscitations
- 2008Single-bottleneck approximation for driven lattice gases with disorder and open boundary conditionscitations
- 2008Modelling of transport and traffic problemscitations
- 2008Characteristics of ant-inspired traffic flow: Applying the social insect metaphor to traffic modelscitations
- 2008From CA to gene expression: Machines and mechanisms
- 2008Conflicts and friction in pedestrian dynamicscitations
- 2008Intra-cellular traffic: Bio-molecular motors on filamentary trackscitations
- 2007An information-based traffic control in a public conveyance system: Reduced clustering and enhanced efficiencycitations
- 2007Intracellular transport by single-headed kinesin KIF1A: Effects of single-motor mechanochemistry and steric interactionscitations
- 2006From aggressive driving to molecular motor trafficcitations
- 2006Competition of coarsening and shredding of clusters in a driven diffusive lattice gascitations
- 2006Asymmetric exclusion processes with shuffled dynamicscitations
- 2006Triplet superconductivity in a 1D itinerant electron system with transverse spin anisotropycitations
- 2006Cellular automata models of highway trafficcitations
- 2006Modelling of self-driven particles: Foraging ants and pedestrianscitations
- 2006Statistical properties of online auctionscitations
- 2006Traffic patterns and flow characteristics in an ant trail model
- 2005Intracellular transport of single-headed molecular motors KIF1Acitations
- 2005Anomalous fundamental diagrams in traffic on ant trails
- 2005Optimization of highway networks and traffic forecastingcitations
- 2005Exact ground states of quantum spin-2 models on the hexagonal latticecitations
- 2005Phase diagrams of an internet model with multi-allocation of sites
- 2005Adaptive traffic light control in the ChSch model for city traffic
- 2005Simulations of evacuation by an extended floor field CA model
- 2005Physics of transport and traffic phenomena in biology: From molecular motors and cells to organismscitations
- 2005Optimization potential of a highway network: An empirical study
- 2004New kind of phase separation in a CA traffic model with anticipationcitations
- 2004Extended Floor Field CA Model for Evacuation Dynamics
- 2004Self-organized patterns and traffic flow in colonies of organisms: From bacteria and social insects to vertebratescitations
- 2004Collective effects in traffic on bi-directional ant trailscitations
- 2004Discretization effects and the influence of walking speed in cellular automata models for pedestrian dynamicscitations
- 2004A stochastic cellular automaton model for traffic flow with multiple metastable statescitations
- 2004Triplet superconductivity vs. Easy-plane ferromagnetism in a 1D itinerant electron system with transverse spin anisotropycitations
- 2004Empirical test for cellular automaton models of traffic flowcitations
- 2004Collective traffic-like movement of ants on a trail: Dynamical phases and phase transitionscitations
- 2004Traffic of ants on a trail: A stochastic modelling and zero range process
- 2003Simulation of competitive egress behavior: Comparison with aircraft evacuation datacitations
- 2003Stochastic Light-cone CTMRG: A new DMRG approach to stochastic modelscitations
- 2003Optimal traffic states in a cellular automaton for city traffic
- 2003Thermodynamic properties and thermal correlation lengths of a Hubbard model with bond-charge interaction
- 2003Excitations of anisotropic spin-1 chains with matrix product ground statecitations
- 2003Friction effects and clogging in a cellular automaton model for pedestrian dynamics
- 2003Matrix product approach for the asymmetric random average processcitations
- 2003Cluster formation and anomalous fundamental diagram in an ant-trail model
- 2002Traffic flow: A statistical physics point of viewcitations
- 2002Open boundaries in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow with metastable statescitations
- 2002Exact ground states of spin-2 chainscitations
- 2002A cellular-automata model of flow in ant trails: Non-monotonic variation of speed with densitycitations
- 2002Single-vehicle data of highway traffic: Microscopic description of traffic phasescitations
- 2002Human behavior as origin of traffic phasescitations
- 2002CA approach to collective phenomena in pedestrian dynamics
- 2002Exact mean-field solutions of the asymmetric random average processcitations
- 2002Exact stationary state of a staggered stochastic hopping modelcitations
- 2002A realistic two-lane traffic model for highway trafficcitations
- 2002Simulation of evacuation processes using a bionics-inspired cellular automaton model for pedestrian dynamicscitations
- 2002Broken ergodicity in a stochastic model with condensation
- 2002Localized defects in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow with phase separationcitations
- 2002Boundary-induced phase transitions in a space-continuous traffic model with non-unique flow-density relationcitations
- 2002Comment on 'Garden of Eden states in a traffic model revisited'citations
- 2001Optimizing traffic lights in a cellular automaton model for city trafficcitations
- 2001A microscopic model for packet transport in the Internetcitations
- 2001Simulation of pedestrian dynamics using a two-dimensional cellular automatoncitations
- 2001Transfer-matrix density-matrix renormalization group for stochastic models: The Domany-Kinzel cellular automatoncitations
- 2001Random walk theory of jamming in a cellular automaton model for traffic flowcitations
- 2001Empirical evidence for a boundary-induced nonequilibrium phase transitioncitations
- 2000Statistical physics of traffic flowcitations
- 2000Comment on "critical behavior of a traffic flow model"
- 2000Effects of on- and off-ramps in cellular automata models for traffic flow
- 2000Towards a realistic microscopic description of highway trafficcitations
- 2000Statistical physics of vehicular traffic and some related systems
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |