380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Yasar, Ansar-Ul-Haque
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (151/151 displayed)
- 2023Advances in shared mobility: new models, system optimization algorithms, and smart automated solutions
- 20233D Simulation Model for IoD-to-Vehicles Communication in IoD-assisted VANET
- 2022Multicriteria decision making approach to support adoption of connected and autonomous vehicles
- 2021Facilitating hikers’ mobility in protected areas through smartphone app: a case of the Hoge Kempen National Park, Belgium
- 2021Estimation of travel time distributions for urban roads using GPS trajectories of vehicles: a case of Athens, Greececitations
- 2021Special issue on trends & advances to mine intelligence from ambient data
- 2021Mbs: Multilevel blockchain system for IoT
- 2021Special issue on advances in data intelligence and modelling
- 2020Special issue on ubiquitous computing in the IoT revolution
- 2020Special issue on future networks & pervasive systems
- 2020A real-time service system in the cloud
- 2020Standard freeway merge designs support safer driver behaviour compared to taper designs: a driving simulator studycitations
- 2020End-to-End QoS “smart queue” management algorithms and traffic prioritization mechanisms for narrow-band internet of things services in 4G/5G networkscitations
- 2020GTFS Bus Stop Mapping to the OSM Networkcitations
- 2020Socially-Structured Vanpooling: A Case Study in Salalah, Omancitations
- 2020Guest editorial: towards enhancing ambient systems, networks and technologies
- 2020A microsimulation-based analysis for driving behaviour modelling on a congested expressway
- 2020Empowering communications in vehicular networks with an intelligent blockchain-based solution
- 2020Ambient systems, networks & technologies
- 2020Applications of machine learning in pervasive systems
- 2020A Survey of Approaches for Estimating Meteorological Visibility Distance Under Foggy Weather Conditionscitations
- 2020Special issue on advances in ambient intelligence and pervasive computing
- 2020Acknowledgment scheme using cloud for node networks with energy-aware hybrid scheduling strategy
- 2019Special issue on ubiquitous computing in the IoT revolutioncitations
- 2019A real-time service system in the cloudcitations
- 2019Special issue on ambient systems, networks and technologies
- 2019A two-stage road traffic congestion prediction and resource dispatching toward a self-organizing traffic control systemcitations
- 2019Last-mile travel and bicycle sharing system in small/medium sized cities: user’s preferences investigation using hybrid choice modelcitations
- 2019Guest editorial: towards enhancing ambient systems, networks and technologiescitations
- 2019Investigation of the impact of a wireless Fog Warning System with respect to road traffic on a highway
- 2019BTEM: Belief based trust evaluation mechanism for wireless sensor networkscitations
- 2019Facilitating research through serendipity of recommendationscitations
- 2019Between the Megalopolis and the Deep Blue Sky: Challenges of Transport with UAVs in Future Smart Cities
- 2019Between the Megalopolis and the Deep Blue Sky: Challenges of Transport with UAVs in Future Smart Cities.
- 2019Estimating pro-environmental potential for the development of mobility-based informational intervention: a data-driven algorithmcitations
- 2019Estimating pro-environmental potential for the development of mobility-based informational intervention: a data-driven algorithm
- 2019ECASS: an encryption compression aggregation security scheme for secure data transmission in ambient assisted living systems
- 2019Global Advancements in Connected and Intelligent Mobility: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Emerging Research and Opportunities
- 2019EATDDS: Energy-aware middleware for wireless sensor and actuator networkscitations
- 2019Agent-based simulation of unmanned aerial vehicles in civilian applications: A systematic literature review and research directionscitations
- 2019Special issue on ubiquitous computing and NextGen context-fusion
- 2019Towards augmenting ambient systems networks and technologiescitations
- 2018Artificial Neural Network Model to relate Organization Characteristics and Construction Project Delivery Methodscitations
- 2018Passenger Safety in Ride-Sharing Servicescitations
- 2018Q-Learning for energy balancing and avoiding the void hole routing protocol in underwater sensor networkscitations
- 2018Pro-Environmental Potential in Activity-Travel Routine of Individuals: A Data Driven Computational Algorithmcitations
- 2018Buffer occupancy based link prioritization for cooperative wireless networkscitations
- 2018Estimating meteorological visibility range under foggy weather conditions: A deep learning approachcitations
- 2018Agent-based Dynamic Rescheduling of Daily Activitiescitations
- 2018Investigation of the impact of a wireless Fog Warning System with respect to road traffic on a highwaycitations
- 2018Energy Models in the Loop
- 2018Innovations for future systemscitations
- 2018Air quality based informational intervention framework to promote healthy and active school travelcitations
- 2018ECASS: an encryption compression aggregation security scheme for secure data transmission in ambient assisted living systemscitations
- 2018Special issue on ubiquitous computing and NextGen context-fusion
- 2018Preface
- 2018Prefacecitations
- 2018Preface
- 2017End-user perspective of low-cost sensors for outdoor air pollution monitoringcitations
- 2017ConVeh: Driving Safely into a Connected Futurecitations
- 2017A new traffic route analyzer for commuter's guidance in developing countries: application study in Islamabad, Pakistan.
- 2017Modeling Demand Responsive Transport using SARL and MATSimcitations
- 2017Towards Agent Based Modeling for Mobility Behavior Shiftcitations
- 2017GTFS Bus Stop Mapping to the OSM Networkcitations
- 2017A new traffic route analyzer for commuter’s guidance in developing countries: application study in Islamabad, Pakistan
- 2017Helping the Performance Evaluation of an Agent Run-time Framework: The SARL Experience Indexcitations
- 2017A new traffic route analyzer for commuter's guidance in developing countries: application study in Islamabad, Pakistancitations
- 2017Demand for Agent-Based Transportation Models & Social Behavioral Challengescitations
- 2017Modeling value of time for trip chains using sigmoid utility
- 2017Addressing the challenges of conservative event synchronization for the SARL agent-programming languagecitations
- 2017A Neural network approach to visibility range estimation under foggy weather conditionscitations
- 2017Methodologies for driving ambient systems
- 2017Preface
- 2017Preface
- 2017Preface
- 2017Preface
- 2017Preface
- 2016Lateral Control of an Unmaned Car Using GNSS Positionning in the Context of Connected Vehiclescitations
- 2016Emerging technologies in ambient systemscitations
- 2016Negotiation and coordination in carpooling: Agent-based simulation model
- 2016Estimation of Value of Time for a Congested Network - A Case Study of the National Highway, Karachicitations
- 2016Estimating Incoming Cross-border Trips Through Land Use data Resources – A Case of Karachi City
- 2016New advances in ambient information systems
- 2016Data Preparation to Simulate Public Transport in Micro-Simulations using OSM and GTFScitations
- 2016Special Issue: Emerging, Ambient and Ubiquitous Systems 2015
- 2016Preface
- 2016Preface
- 2016Preface
- 2016Preface
- 2016Preface
- 2015Enabling technologies for next-generation sensor networks: prospects, issues, solutions, and emerging trendscitations
- 2015Mobile sensor networks applications and confidentiality
- 2015Estimating Nonlinear Parameters Present in OFDM-based System Using Non-linear Least Squares.
- 2015Editorial: Mobile Sensor Networks Applications and Confidentialitycitations
- 2015Estimating Nonlinear Parameters Present in OFDM-based System Using Non-linear Least Squares
- 2015Guest Editorial: new developments in ambient information systems
- 2015The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT) Preface
- 2015Guest editorial: new developments in future networked systems
- 2015Prefacecitations
- 2015Preface
- 2015Prefacecitations
- 2015Preface
- 2015The 6th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2015) Preface
- 2014Towards delay-sensitive routing in underwater wireless sensor networkscitations
- 2014Analyzing the efficiency of context-based grouping on collaboration in VANETs with large-scale simulationcitations
- 2014A Micro Simulated and Demand Driven Supply Chain Model To Estimate Regional Production and Consumption Relations.
- 2014Data Science and Simulation in Transportation Research Preface
- 2014A framework for electric vehicle charging strategy optimization tested for travel demand generated by an activity-based modelcitations
- 2014Data Science and Simulation in Transportation Researchcitations
- 2014Hop adjusted multi-chain routing for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networkscitations
- 2014Theory and practice in large carpooling problemscitations
- 2014Analyzing the Real Time Factors: Which Causing the Traffic Congestions and Proposing the Solution for Pakistani Citycitations
- 2014Exploiting graph-theoretic tools for matching in carpooling applicationscitations
- 2014Multi-agent simulation of individual mobility behavior in carpoolingcitations
- 2014Preface
- 2014Preface
- 2013Framework to evaluate rescheduling due to unexpected events in an activity-based model
- 2013An activity-based carpooling microsimulation using ontologycitations
- 2013Preface
- 2013Preface
- 2013Social networks in agent-based models for carpooling
- 2012Exploiting graph-theorectic tools for matching and partitioning of agent population in an agent-based model for traffic and transportation applicationscitations
- 2012Exploiting graph-theoretic tools for matching and partitioning of agent population in an agent-based model for traffic and transportation applicationscitations
- 2012A Conceptual Design of an Agent-based Interaction Model for the Carpooling Applicationcitations
- 2012Context-Aware Communication in Large Scale Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Concepts, Methods and Applications
- 2012Analysis of the co-routing problem in agent-based carpooling simulationcitations
- 2012An agent-based model to evaluate carpooling at large manufacturing plantscitations
- 2011Context-Based Communication in Large Scale Vehicular Networks (Context-gebaseerde communicatie in grootschalige voertuigennetwerken).
- 2011Evaluation framework for adaptive context-aware routing in large scale mobile peer-to-peer systemscitations
- 2011When efficiency matters: Towards quality of context-aware peers for adaptive communication in VANETscitations
- 2011End-to-end communication modelling for large scale vehicular networks using AADL
- 2011Teamwork on the road: Efficient collaboration in VANETs with context-based groupingcitations
- 2011Context-Based Communication in Large Scale Vehicular Networks (Context-gebaseerde communicatie in grootschalige voertuigennetwerken)
- 2011CarPoolingAgent-based carpooling design (Part-A)
- 2010Geo-social interaction: Context-aware help in large scale public spacescitations
- 2010Context-aware optimized information dissemination in large scale vehicular networks
- 2010Where people and cars meet: social interactions to improve information sharing in large scale vehicular networkscitations
- 2010Context-aware optimized information 4 in large scale vehicular networkscitations
- 2010Modelling and Simulating Large Scale Vehicular Networks for Smart Context-aware Telematic Applications
- 2010Optimizing information dissemination in large scale mobile peer-to-peer networks using context-based groupingcitations
- 2009A scalable context-aware solution for inter-vehicle communication
- 2008Adaptive context mediation in dynamic and large scale vehicular networks using relevance backpropagationcitations
- 2008A computational analysis of driving variations on distributed multiuser driving simulators
- 2008A computational analysis of driving variations on distributed multiuser driving simulators
- 2008Best practices for software security: An overviewcitations
- 2008Architectural styles for opportunistic mobile communication: Requirements and design patterns
- 2007Enhancing experience prototyping by the help of mixed-fidelity prototypescitations
- 2007A Computational Analysis of Driving Variations in a Distributed Simulated Driving Environment
- 2006Low cost solution for location determination of mobile nodes in a wireless local area networkcitations
- 2005Low cost solution for location determination of mobile nodes in a wireless local area networkcitations
- 2005Upflow anaerobic sludge reactors for the treatment of combined industrial effluent in subtropical conditions: a comparison between UASB and UASF reactors
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |