479.575 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Ziakopoulos, Apostolos | Athens |
Vigliani, Alessandro | Turin |
Catani, Jacopo | Rome |
Statheros, Thomas | Stevenage |
Utriainen, Roni | Tampere |
Guglieri, Giorgio | Turin |
Martínez Sánchez, Joaquín |
| |
Tobolar, Jakub |
| |
Volodarets, M. |
| |
Piwowar, Piotr |
| |
Tennoy, Aud | Oslo |
Matos, Ana Rita |
| |
Cicevic, Svetlana |
| |
Sommer, Carsten | Kassel |
Liu, Meiqi |
| |
Pirdavani, Ali | Hasselt |
Niklaß, Malte |
| |
Lima, Pedro | Braga |
Turunen, Anu W. |
| |
Antunes, Carlos Henggeler |
| |
Krasnov, Oleg A. |
| |
Lopes, Joao P. |
| |
Turan, Osman |
| |
Lučanin, Vojkan | Belgrade |
Tanaskovic, Jovan |
Comi, Antonio
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
- assessment
- implementation
- logistics
- parking
- supporting
- intelligent transportation system
- urban development
- commodity
- queuing
- theory
- automobile
- city
- street
- train consist
- simulation
- estimating
- sidewalk
- pedestrian
- city logistics
- law
- modernization
- bay
- urban goods movement
- external costs
- loading and unloading
- data
- cladding
- micro mobility
- forecasting
- electronic commerce
- commuting
- administration
- urban area
- probe vehicle
- floating car data
- private transportation
- e-bike
- commuter
- delivery traffic
- e-scooter
- livability
- spreading
- utility theory
- survey
- logit
- transportation engineering
- passenger
- behavior
- vehicle occupant
- definition
- data file
- shipment
- calibration
- choice model
- traffic assignment
- route choice
- autonomous vehicle
- driver
- telematics
- procurement
- locomotive engineer
- monitoring
- surveillance
- region
- travel
- road network
- sampling
- traffic counting
- transportation engineer
- automatic vehicle monitoring
- vehicle
- modeling
- aggregate
- costs
- learning
- last mile
- commodity flow
- researcher
- geography
- guideline
- driving
- computer science
- attention
- stakeholder
- decision making
- chain
- supply chain
- microsimulation
- coordination
- economics
- recommendation
- electrical engineering
- electronic equipment
- electronics
- nuclear engineering
- industry
- planning
- sea
- ocean
- plant
- environmental impact
- environmental science
- renewable energy source
- externality
- mode choice
- ocean shipping
- short sea shipping
- roll on roll off shipping
- road
- urban mobility
- local transportation plan
- bus
- travel time
- bus line
- bus route
- bus travel
- abstract
- design
- transit operator
- taxicab
- transport demand
- taxi service
- vision
- road pricing
- shared mobility
- crash
- urban road
- operations research
- mechanical engineering
- automotive engineering
- econometrics
- Statistic
- safety
- highway safety
- database
- intersection
- pedestrian safety
- city planning
- crash data
- sphere
- sump
- swamp
- crowd
- customer
- city traffic
- consumer
- production
- household
- architecture
- internet
- consumer behavior
- socioeconomic factor
- sustainable development
- shopping facility
- shopping
- advertising
- public transport
- traveller
- variable
- modal split
- psychology
- level of service
- import
- export
- philosophy
- railway traffic
- constraint
- bottleneck
- recall campaign
- environmental constraint
- service model
- advanced public transportation system
- demographic change
- demand-modeling
- incentive
- highway traffic
- decision support system
- transport policy
- transportation policy
- truck
- highway traffic control
- road freight transport
- design engineering
- design model
- combined transport
- containerisation
- traffic modeling
- pollution
- noise
- sustainable transportation
- contaminant
- carbon
- air pollution
- medication
- medicine
- education
- carbon dioxide
- state of the art
- shopping trip
- structural engineering
- indicating instrument
- metropolitan area
- environmental policy
- estimate
- sale
- rural area
- urbanisation
- perishable
- food
- regulation
- prevention
- poison
- injury
- employed
- market
- departure time
- laceration
- agriculture
- timetable
- show 189 more
Publications (88/88 displayed)
- 2023Efficiency Assessments of the Parking and Time Restrictions Implementation in Kharkiv by Applying the Logistics Sustainability Index Methodology
- 2023Effective Functioning of Intelligent Transport Systems as One of the Main Factors for Supporting Sustainable Urban Development
- 2022A methodology for assessing the urban supply of on-street delivery bays
- 2022Delivering in Urban Areas: A Probabilistic-Behavioral Approach for Forecasting the Use of Electric Micromobilitycitations
- 2022Estimating Path Choice Models through Floating Car Datacitations
- 2021Private Car O-D Flow Estimation Based on Automated Vehicle Monitoring Data: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidencecitations
- 2021Aggregate delivery tour modeling through AVM data: experimental evidence for light goods vehiclescitations
- 2021Dynamic Optimal Travel Strategies in Intelligent Stochastic Transit Networkscitations
- 2021Sustainable Urban Delivery: The Learning Process of Path Costs Enhanced by Information and Communication Technologiescitations
- 2021Forecasting Delivery Pattern through Floating Car Data: Empirical Evidencecitations
- 2021Optimizing Last Mile Delivering Through the Analysis of Shoppers’ Behaviourcitations
- 2020A modelling framework to forecast urban goods flowscitations
- 2020Microsimulation-Based Collaboration Model for Urban Freight Transportcitations
- 2020Assessing the Potential of Short Sea Shipping and the Benefits in Terms of External Costs: Application to the Mediterranean Basincitations
- 2020Investigating the Effects of City Logistics Measures on the Economy of the Citycitations
- 2020Bus Travel Time: Experimental Evidence and Forecastingcitations
- 2020A methodology to design and assess scenarios within SULPs: the case of Bolognacitations
- 2019Understanding Taxi Travel Demand Patterns Through Floating Car Datacitations
- 2019Shared Autonomous Electrical Vehicles and Urban Mobility: A Vision for Rome in 2035citations
- 2019Exploring Temporal and Spatial Structure of Urban Road Accidents: Some Empirical Evidences from Romecitations
- 2018A Subjective Optimal Strategy for Transit Simulation Modelscitations
- 2018Smart urban freight transport: tools for planning and optimising delivery operationscitations
- 2017DynaLOAD: a simulation framework for planning, managing and controlling urban delivery bayscitations
- 2017From the analysis of European accident data to safety assessment for planning: the role of good vehicles in urban areacitations
- 2016Individual utility-based path suggestions in transit trip plannerscitations
- 2016Restocking in Touristic and CBD Areas: Deterministic and Stochastic Behaviour in the Decision-making Processcitations
- 2016A Mesoscopic Transit Assignment Model Including Real-Time Predictive Information on Crowdingcitations
- 2016Exploring the Relationships Between e-shopping Attitudes and Urban Freight Transportcitations
- 2016Advanced Public Transport and ITS: new modelling challengescitations
- 2015Urban Freight Transport and City Logistics Policies: Indications from Rome, Barcelona and Santandercitations
- 2015Transit Trip Planners: Real-Time Strategy-Based Path Recommendationcitations
- 2015Modelling the demand for rail in an urbancontext: Some methodological aspects
- 2015Individual Behavioural Models for Personal Transit Pre-trip Plannerscitations
- 2015Modelling the demand for rail in an urbancontext:some methodological aspects
- 2015New Methods of Trip Planning for Travelers of Advanced Public Transportcitations
- 2015An aggregate transport demand model for import and export flow simulationcitations
- 2015DYBUS2: A Real-Time Mesoscopic Transit Modeling Frameworkcitations
- 2015CLASS: A DSS for the Analysis and the Simulation of Urban Freight Systemscitations
- 2015Urban freight transport policies in Rome: lessons learned and the road aheadcitations
- 2014A new Advanced Traveler Advisory Tool based on personal user preferencescitations
- 2014City logistics long-term planning: Simulation of shopping mobility and goods restocking and related support systemscitations
- 2014Advanced public transport systems and ITS: New tools for operations control and traveler advisingcitations
- 2014Simulating Urban Freight Flows with Combined Shopping and Restocking Demand Modelscitations
- 2014A system of models to forecast the effects of demographic changes on urban shop restockingcitations
- 2014An Advanced Traveller Advisory Tool Based on Individual Preferencescitations
- 2014Urban freight demand forecasting: A mixed quantity/delivery/vehicle-based modelcitations
- 2014Direct Effects of City Logistics Measures and Urban Freight Demand Modelscitations
- 2014City Logistics Planning: Demand Modelling Requirements for Direct Effect Forecastingcitations
- 2014Simulating the Effects of Shopping Attitudes on Urban Goods Distributioncitations
- 2014Advanced trip planners for transit networks: Some theoretical and experimental aspects of pre-trip path choice modelingcitations
- 2013A Model For Simulating Urban Goods Transport and Logistics: The integrated Choice of ho.re.ca. Activity Decision-Making and Final Business Consumerscitations
- 2013An aggregate transport demand model for import and export flow simulationcitations
- 2013Tactical and Operational City Logistics: Freight Vehicle Flow Modellingcitations
- 2013A Methodology for the Assessment of Rail-road Freight Transport Policiescitations
- 2013Impacts of accidents involving shopping and restocking vehicles on an urban road networkcitations
- 2013Freight transport modeling: Review and future challenges
- 2013An advanced pre-trip planner with personalized information on transit networks with ATIScitations
- 2013Urban Freight Modelscitations
- 2013Direct Effects of City Logistics Measures and Urban Freight Demand Modelscitations
- 2013CLASS: a City Logistics Analysis and Simulation support Systemcitations
- 2012A trip chain order model for simulating urban freight restocking
- 2012City Characteristics and Urban Goods Movements: A Way to Environmental Transportation System in a Sustainable Citycitations
- 2012A system of models for the simulation of urban freight restocking tourscitations
- 2012Urban freight transport demand modelling: A state of the art
- 2012The simulation of shopping trips at urban scale: Attraction macro-modelcitations
- 2012Urban freight transport demand: transferability of survey results analysis and modelscitations
- 2011Measures for Sustainable Freight Transportation at Urban Scale: Expected Goals and Tested Results in Europecitations
- 2011A Restocking Tour Model for the Estimation of O-D Freight Vehicle in Urban Areascitations
- 2011A model system for the ex-ante assessment of city logistics measurescitations
- 2011A modelling system for estimating freight quantities attracted by citiescitations
- 2011Urban freight policy innovation for Rome's ltz: A stakeholder perspectivecitations
- 2010A modelling system to simulate goods movements at an urban scalecitations
- 2010A classification of city logistics measures and connected impactscitations
- 2010Ex-ante assessment of urban freight transport policiescitations
- 2010Modelli di previsione della domanda merci in area urbana e metropolitana
- 2009A demand model for international freight transport by roadcitations
- 2009Estimation of target time distribution for agri-food products by road transportcitations
- 2008Differentiated regulation of urban freight traffic: Conceptual framework and examples from Italy
- 2008A demand model for international freight transport by roadcitations
- 2008Metropolitan freight distribution by railways
- 2008Estimation of target time distribution for agri-food products by road transportcitations
- 2006A modelling system for urban goods movements
- 2004Application for comparing frequency and schedule-based approaches in the simulation of a low frequency transit systemcitations
- 2004A general coordinated model to simulate urban freight distribution
- 2003Urban freight movements: Quantity attraction and distribution models
- 2002Linee Guida per la programmazione dei servizi di Trasporto Pubblico Locale
- 2002Urban freight movement: A quantity attraction model
Places of action