380.256 PEOPLE
People | Locations | Statistics |
Seuring, Stefan |
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Nor Azizi, S. |
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Pato, Margarida Vaz |
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Kölker, Katrin |
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Huber, Oliver |
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Király, Tamás |
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Spengler, Thomas Stefan |
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Al-Ammar, Essam A. |
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Dargahi, Fatemeh |
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Mota, Rui |
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Mazalan, Nurul Aliah Amirah |
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Macharis, Cathy | Brussels |
Arunasari, Yova Tri |
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Nunez, Alfredo | Delft |
Bouhorma, Mohammed |
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Bonato, Matteo |
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Fitriani, Ira |
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Autor Correspondente Coelho, Sílvia. |
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Pond, Stephen |
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Okwara, Ukoha Kalu |
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Toufigh, Vahid |
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Campisi, Tiziana | Enna |
Ermolieva, Tatiana |
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Sánchez-Cambronero, Santos |
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Agzamov, Akhror |
Rich, Jeppe
in Cooperation with on an Cooperation-Score of 37%
Publications (151/151 displayed)
- 2024Riding smooth: A cost-benefit assessment of surface quality on Copenhagen’s bicycle networkcitations
- 2024Cost sharing in passenger transport models: specification, implementation, and impactscitations
- 2023Optimal placement and sizing of charging infrastructure for EVs under information-sharingcitations
- 2023Our children cycle less - A Danish pseudo-panel analysiscitations
- 2023Will good public transport substitute free-floating car sharing? A case study from Copenhagencitations
- 2023Fixed routing or demand-responsive? Agent-based modelling of autonomous first and last mile services in light-rail systemscitations
- 2023Editorial: Welcome to the Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Researchcitations
- 2023Societally optimal expansion of bicycle networkscitations
- 2023Impact of cost-based smart electric vehicle charging on urban low voltage power distribution networkscitations
- 2022Cost–benefit of a state-road charging system: The case of Denmarkcitations
- 2022Electric vehicle charging infrastructure planning for integrated transportation and power distribution networks: A reviewcitations
- 2022Charging, steady-state SoC and energy storage distributions for EV fleetscitations
- 2022Effects of autonomous first- and last mile transport in the transport chaincitations
- 2021Introducing synthetic pseudo panels: application to transport behaviour dynamicscitations
- 2021An innovative approach to solve the carsharing demand-supply imbalance problem under demand uncertaintycitations
- 2021Estimating causal effects with the neural autoregressive density estimator
- 202114 forskere: Videnscenter for cyklisme skal ikke høre under Vejdirektoratet
- 2021Generalized Cost for Transportcitations
- 2021A micro-model of car ownership dynamics: are preferences changing?citations
- 2021Demand for plug-in electric vehicles across segments in the future vehicle marketcitations
- 2021Cost-benefit of bicycle infrastructure with e-bikes and cycle superhighwayscitations
- 2021Modelling the impact of cycle superhighways and electric bicyclescitations
- 2021How adaptive cruise control systems may increase congestion: An MFD perspective
- 2021How adaptive cruise control systems may increase congestion: An MFD perspective
- 2021Autonomous vehicles in mixed motorway traffic: capacity utilisation, impact and policy implicationscitations
- 2021Modelling car ownership dynamics based on irregularly spaced panel datacitations
- 2021Modelling car ownership dynamics based on irregularly spaced panel datacitations
- 2021Context-Aware Sensing and Implicit Ground Truth Collection: Building a Foundation for Event Triggered Surveys on Autonomous Shuttles
- 2020Understanding car sharing preferences and mode substitution patterns: A stated preference experimentcitations
- 2020A spline function class suitable for demand modelscitations
- 2020Impact of vehicle automation and electric propulsion on production costs for mobility services worldwidecitations
- 2020Impact of vehicle automation and electric propulsion on production costs for mobility services worldwidecitations
- 2020Impact of vehicle automation and electric propulsion on production costs for mobility services worldwidecitations
- 2020Optimizing airport infrastructure for a country:The case of Greenlandcitations
- 2020Analyse af indfasning af elbiler: SP metode og model
- 2020Prediction of rare feature combinations in population synthesis: Application of deep generative modellingcitations
- 2019Hub-based truck platooning: Potentials and profitabilitycitations
- 2019A disaggregate freight transport chain choice model for Europecitations
- 2019The role of intention as mediator between latent effects and behavior: application of a hybrid choice model to study departure time choicescitations
- 2019Scalable Population Synthesis with Deep Generative Modeling
- 2019How to generate micro-agents? A deep generative modeling approach to population synthesiscitations
- 2019Is the value of travel time savings increasing? Analysis throughout a financial crisiscitations
- 2018Are car ownership preferences changing? An age cohort analysis
- 2018Fremskrivningstendenser for persontrafikken til 2030
- 2018Nationale trafikmodeller og deres organisering: En international sammenligning
- 2018Den danske landstrafikmodel Version 2.0
- 2018Large-scale spatial population synthesis for Denmarkcitations
- 2018Intelligent truck platooning: how to make it work
- 2018Population Synthesis Meets Deep Generative Modelling
- 2017Testing the slope model of scheduling preferences on stated preference datacitations
- 2017Network performance of autonomous vehicles at low market shares
- 2017Modelling production-consumption flows of goods in Europe: the trade model within Transtools3citations
- 2016The Danish national passenger model – Model specification and resultscitations
- 2016Cost damping and functional form in transport modelscitations
- 2016How flexible is flexible? Accounting for the effect of rescheduling possibilities in choice of departure time for work tripscitations
- 2015System convergence in transport models: algorithms efficiency and output uncertaintycitations
- 2015System convergence in transport models: algorithms efficiency and output uncertainty
- 2014Preferences for travel time variability – A study of Danish car drivers
- 2014Preferences for travel time variability – A study of Danish car drivers
- 2014The effect of perceived mobility necessity in the choice of departure time
- 2013Analyzing the Relationship Between Car Generation and Severity of Motor-Vehicle Crashes in Denmarkcitations
- 2013Analyzing the Relationship Between Car Generation and Severity of Motor-Vehicle Crashes in Denmark
- 2013Ex post socio-economic assessment of the Oresund Bridgecitations
- 2013Valuation of travel time for international long-distance travel - results from the Fehmarn Belt stated choice experimentcitations
- 2013Valuation of travel time for international long-distance travel - results from the Fehmarn Belt stated choice experimentcitations
- 2012A long-distance travel demand model for Europe
- 2012A long-distance travel demand model for Europecitations
- 2012Udviklingen i bilers passive sikkerhed: skadesgrad for førere af person- og varebiler
- 2012Generating synthetic baseline populations from register datacitations
- 2011On structural inelasticity of modal substitution in freight transportcitations
- 2011On structural inelasticity of modal substitution in freight transportcitations
- 2011Trans-tools
- 2011Forecasts
- 2010System Convergence in Transport Modelling
- 2010Activity-based demand modelling on a large scale: Experience from the new Danish National Model
- 2010Activity-based demand modelling on a large scale: Experience from the new Danish National Model
- 2009Report on Scenario, Traffic Forecast and Analysis of Traffic on the TEN-T, taking into Consideration the External Dimension of the Union: assessment of Infrastructure packages
- 2009Report on Scenario, Traffic Forecast and Analysis of Traffic on the TEN-T, taking into Consideration the External Dimension of the Union: trans-Tools Version 2; Model and Data Improvements
- 2009Report on Scenario, Traffic Forecast and Analysis of Traffic on the TEN-T, taking into Consideration the External Dimension of the Union
- 2009Report on Scenario, Traffic Forecast and Analysis of Traffic on the TEN-T, taking into Consideration the External Dimension of the Union
- 2009Introduction to Transport Models: Application with SAS Software
- 2009Introduction to Transport Models
- 2009A weighted Logit Freight Mode Choice Modelcitations
- 2008Traffic Models
- 2008External effects and road chargingcitations
- 2008A choice model for mode and crossing for freight: Evidence from the Oresund region
- 2008A choice model for mode and crossing for freight: Evidence from the Oresund region
- 2008External Effects of Road-pricing
- 2008Mode and crossing model – Øresund Freight, The Øresund Gods project
- 2008Long-Distance passenger demand model
- 2008Long-Distance passenger demand model
- 2008Public-Acceptability Change of Urban Road Pricingcitations
- 2007Road pricing and its consequences for individual travel patternscitations
- 2007Road pricing and its consequences for individual travel patternscitations
- 2007MOTOS State-of-the-art report
- 2007MOTOS State-of-the-art report
- 2007Greenland air transport model system – A joint transport modelling and optimisation problem
- 2007Estimation of a route choice model with congestion and congestion charging explicitly described
- 2007A socio-economic assessment of proposed road user charging schemes in Copenhagencitations
- 2007A socio-economic assessment of proposed road user charging schemes in Copenhagencitations
- 2007Who are the winners and losers of heavy vehicle fees?
- 2007MOTOS Best practice examples
- 2007MOTOS Best practice examples
- 2006The Travellers in Copenhagen do know that it is healthy to use bicycles
- 2006The Travellers in Copenhagen do know that it is healthy to use bicycles
- 2006The Travellers in Copenhagen do know that it is healthy to use bicycles
- 2006Road Charging in Copenhagen: Traffic effects
- 2006Roadpricing in Copenhagen
- 2006Roadpricing in Copenhagen
- 2006We base the models on the road users' actual behaviour
- 2006We base the models on the road users' actual behaviour
- 2006Socio-economic assessment of road pricing systems – results from two projects in Copenhagen.
- 2006It is a bad idea to use all the revenue from roadpricing to the public transport
- 2006It is a bad idea to use all the revenue from roadpricing to the public transport
- 2006Road Charging in Copenhagen
- 2005Road pricing and individuals responses within travel patterns bahavioural change - lessons from the Copenhagen AKTA study
- 2005Road pricing and individuals responses within travel patterns bahavioural change - lessons from the Copenhagen AKTA study
- 2005Interurban road pricing for heavy vehicles - what are the impacts for the regional economy?
- 2004A passenger transport SCGE model
- 2004Traffic Models
- 2004Traffic Models
- 2004Use of GPS- and SP-data to estimate changes of driver behaviour due to road pricing
- 2004A New Generation of Passenger Transport Models
- 2003The Helsingør-Helsingborg Tunnel Project: Atkins Report
- 2003A national freight transport model - Methodological study
- 2003A national freight transport model - Methodological study
- 2003A national freight transport model - recommendations
- 2003A national freight transport model - recommendations
- 2003TRIP and the price of silence
- 2003TRIP and the price of silence
- 2003National value-of-timestudy: pre-study
- 2003National freight model
- 2003Freight Transport in a Spatial Economic Model
- 2003The Helsingør-Helsingborg Tunnel Project
- 2003Freight Transport in a Spatial Economic Model
- 2003National value-of-timestudy
- 2003Hedonic Evaluation of Traffic Noise - an emperical study
- 2003National freight model: pre-study
- 2003Prestudy for socio-economic value of times
- 2003Prestudy for socio-economic value of times
- 2002Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Infrastructure : Doing it the hedonic way
- 2002Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Infrastructure: Doing it the hedonic way
- 2002Portzone model for the Øresund Region: forecasting the traffic potential for a new train tunnel between Ellsinore and Helsingborg
- 2002Portzone model for the Øresund Region
- 2002Long-term Travel Demand Modelling
- 2002Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Infrastructure
- 2001Short-term versus long-term demand and the case of two-worker households
- 2001Two aspects of location modeling: Short-term versus long-term demand and the case of two-worker households
- 2001A microeconomic model for car ownership, resident and work location
- 2001ALTRANS - Behavioural models for passenger transport
- 2001ALTRANS - Behavioural models for passenger transport
Places of action
Organizations | Location | People |